Roachdale Christian Church confirms Nate Bryan as senior minister

Wednesday, December 21, 2022
Putnam County native Nate Bryan has been confirmed as the senior minister at Roachdale Christian Church. Partnering with Nate in his ministry is wife LeeAnn as well as their three children, son Jedediah and daughters FayLynn and Eden.
Courtesy photo

On Sunday, Dec. 18, Nate Bryan was confirmed by the congregation of Roachdale Christian Church as its senior minister.

Nate and his wife LeeAnn are lifelong residents of Putnam County and look forward to continuing to share the Gospel right here at “home.” Both are graduates of North Putnam High School.

Bryan spent time as a teacher and coach at Greencastle and Parke Heritage high schools prior to the call to full-time ministry. He served as the youth minister at RCC prior to serving as the interim preaching minister for nearly four months after the retirement of his beloved mentor and friend Phil Barnes.

Bryan serves as a volunteer assistant football coach and is involved with the Fellowship of Christian Athletes at North Putnam as well.

LeeAnn helps lead the children’s ministry at RCC, and her full-time job is discipling their three children.

Nate and LeeAnn are excited to serve in this new role and RCC is excited to have them.

Roachdale Christian Church welcomes anyone to join for worship each Sunday morning at 8:30 or 10:30 a.m.

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  • Congrats, Nate, they're lucky to have you.

    -- Posted by Old Soul on Wed, Dec 21, 2022, at 12:32 PM
  • It is great to have you two sharing the Gospel and the love of Jesus in Putnam County

    -- Posted by fourjs on Wed, Dec 21, 2022, at 3:32 PM

    -- Posted by infiremanemt on Wed, Dec 21, 2022, at 3:59 PM
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