Be prepared this winter with a vehicle emergency kit

Wednesday, December 21, 2022

The Indiana Department of Homeland Security is encouraging motorists to have a vehicle emergency kit and other components in case of extreme weather events this winter.

The kit should include items like warm clothes, blankets, a sleeping bag, a shovel, a flashlight, an ice scraper, a portable battery charger, jumper cables and first aid supplies.

Along with a basic tool kit and a spare tire, motorists should store food and water, extra batteries and a trash bag with sand or cat litter, which can be used for traction if a vehicle is stuck.

Those venturing out should also check their battery, tires and fluids, as well as make sure windows and lights are cleared.

For more tips on vehicle safety this winter, visit

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  • I also keep matches and old candles in a metal coffee can, protein bars and hot hands to put in you sox or mittens if you get stranded. Stay safe!!

    -- Posted by jake71 on Mon, Dec 26, 2022, at 11:58 PM
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