Library Board approves fund reconciliations

Thursday, February 2, 2023

Having postponed it from last week, the Putnam County Public Library’s board of trustees addressed reconciling its operations for the past year Wednesday evening.

As to reconciling the library’s 2022 Operating Fund, the board approved transferring the following amounts out of its fund geared toward for furniture and equipment:

• $2,000.46 to librarian salaries;

• $1,844.74 to PERF;

• $3,711.97 to assistant salaries;

• $3,825.41 to material and supplies;

• $160.46 to postage;

• $139.75 to natural gas;

• $11,093.65 to electricity;

• $90.62 to bank charges;

• $6,182.83 to books; and

• $151.34 to periodicals and newspapers.

In other business:

• The board finalized the updated version of its policy on wine and beer served at events sponsored by PCPL or the Friends of the Library. The only change was removal of language stipulating the board being notified of such events.

The policy otherwise notes that wine and beer would be served when food would also be available, and that serving would comply with liability insurance spelled out in the library’s overall requirements.

• The board approved a $30 per-person fee for those who have non-resident patron cards. “Non-resident” means patrons who live outside of Putnam County.

• The board approved transferring $50,000 from the library’s operating fund to Rainy Day. This amount was allocated as part of PCPL’s budget for 2022.

• The board approved a seven-percent wage increase for Technical Services Manager Danielle Featherston. This reflects Featherston recently completing her Master of Library and Information Science degree.

• The board approved the library’s wage schedule for 2023. Asst. Director Jane Hazelton noted to the Banner Graphic that the schedule reflects increases - generally three percent - implemented as part of the library’s budget for 2023.

The board also renewed Hazelton as its treasurer for the year.

With Hazelton and Director Matt McClelland joined by the rest of the board, Board President Kayla Flegal was absent while McClellan attended remotely.

The next regular meeting of the Library Board is set for Wednesday, Feb. 22 at 6 p.m. in the Kiwanis Room at the library.

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