Supporting local nonprofits

Monday, February 6, 2023
Sarah Stone

At the Putnam County Community Foundation, we take pride in working closely with local nonprofit organizations, ensuring they have the resources needed to meet their missions. To best serve these organizations, we established the Putnam-Montgomery Nonprofit Learning Series in 2006 in partnership with the Montgomery County Community Foundation.

Now, more than 15 years later, the Nonprofit Learning Series continues to provide capacity-building opportunities for our nonprofits and other charitable initiatives that serve Putnam County. These workshops, led by content experts, are designed to inspire, educate and connect our nonprofit employees, board members, volunteers and other interested community members.

This year, there are only two opportunities to join us for the Nonprofit Learning Series, both this spring. Registration is now open on our website along with details for each session at

First, you can join us in Crawfordsville on Tuesday, March 14 for a session on effective strategic planning with Amanda Lopez from Transform Consulting Group. Participants will learn a four-step process that you can implement on your own or with a consultant’s help. Templates and resources are included to help participants create a strategic plan for their organization.

The second session will be in Greencastle on Tuesday, April 11 with Kim Dinwiddie from Purple Ink. Kim will lead a workshop on compassion fatigue and burnout. This session will discuss the fatigue and emotional exhaustion that can sometimes come from caring too much for too long. Participants will discuss and acknowledge emotions that many individuals feel when working in the nonprofit sector, including warning signs, how to address root causes and tips for regaining balance.

In addition to the Nonprofit Learning Series, we offer our nonprofits an array of resources, including the opportunity to diversify funding by establishing an endowment and access to GrantStation, a database for grant seekers.

We are always looking for ideas and opportunities to best serve our nonprofits. If you have suggestions on future workshops or other ways we can best serve Putnam County, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

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