Habitat for Humanity shoring up for home remodel

Monday, February 6, 2023

Eight months after celebrating the completion of its first build since 2013, Putnam County’s Habitat for Humanity chapter is now encouraging support for a remodel of a local veteran’s home.

As its executive director David L. English put it recently, though, the chapter is “land-rich” and “cash-poor.” This is as it has acquired separate pieces of property for potential projects while endeavoring to be financially productive.

“I’m always in a fundraising mode,” English told the Banner Graphic. He is also looking to lessons learned from the recent build, which was decidedly complicated by Covid and a relative paucity of volunteers and donations.

The remodel waiting in the wings concerns a retired Vietnam War veteran’s home on South Arlington Street in Greencastle. The veteran is partially disabled, after suffering two heart attacks and several mini-strokes in the past several years.

English noted that the veteran and his wife acquired the home prior to their retirement, with the hope then of remodeling it themselves. However, they have had to focus their income on their health issues.

The one-story home consists of a living room, a kitchen, a bathroom, and an added-on bedroom connected by hallways. The major issue is the floor sagging, thus creating a falling hazard for the residents.

Aside from replacing the flooring with waterproof boards, the effort is to also include mold remediation, installing a walk-in shower and upgrading the kitchen’s countertops.

Habitat chapters are required to do a remodel and build a new home within a three-year period. Remodels do not require sweat equity on the part of the recipient, and in this case, it could not be expected because of their limited capacities. They would contract with the organization to recoup the costs.

English is anticipating the project being under way in the next few weeks. In this vein, the chapter is seeking donations to ease the financial burden, and certainly for volunteers to bring it to fruition in quick order.

As to the chapter’s organization, English said its board itself is being rebuilt. With persons having left for various reasons, he is hoping the now- seven-member group can grow back to 13. This is as there is a “solid” executive committee now with the experience of building a home.

“We are a bit more financially sound than we have been,” English said, providing he has an attitude of beginning future builds with at least $50,000 in the bank. This is so he can stay ahead of costs from the outset.

With having the money on hand and then laying a foundation, English earnestly believes initiative on the chapter’s part means more buy-in from businesses and the community at large. Simply put, there can be something to show for it.

English is committed to Habitat for Humanity being a Christian organization that gives a hand up, not a hand out, to people in need. The remodel, from his perspective, follows that in helping a veteran who has otherwise given his due.

“In my opinion, it’s a labor of love; it’s a way of giving back,” English said about anyone giving their time, treasure and talent to this and future projects. “We’re excited for the future.”

Those seeking to volunteer may contact the Habitat office at 653-5630 and detail skills and tasks they want to be involved with. Donations may be mailed to the office, located at 620 Tennessee St., Ste. 2, Greencastle.

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