Exploring 4-H kicks off Feb. 23 for local second-graders

Monday, February 6, 2023
Mark Evans

Eligibility in the regular 4-H program necessitates one must be in grades 3-12 as of Jan. 1 of the current year. However, second-graders can get a taste of 4-H by signing up for the Exploring 4-H, or mini 4-H, program.

Exploring 4-H is a program for children who are not yet old enough for 4-H. Any youth in the second grade as of Jan. 1 of the current year is eligible.

This year to plan appropriately for health and safety guidelines, we really need to have everyone sign up ahead of time so planning can occur. There will be three meetings leading to a field day during the summer months for Exploring 4-H’ers and ultimately project exhibition during the Putnam County 4-H Fair during July 21-28.

With help from the Junior Leaders, the meetings include an introduction to the 4-H program, individual project instruction, recreation and a snack. Additionally, the youth in this program typically have entered their own float in the fair parade, which will likely occur again this year if the group so desires.

Project choices for Exploring 4-H youth include collections, crafts, drawing, entomology, farm animals, foods, photography and wildlife. Collections, photography and wildlife are poster projects, while drawing is submitting a framed picture, foods involve entering no-bake cookies and crafts is hands-on construction creating a small standing or hanging exhibit. A model of an ant that the youth assembles is the entomology exhibit option, while those doing farm animals will use a shoe box to make an animal-themed diorama. Information and registration forms were sent home with all second-grade school students during recent school visits.

Parents may sign up their second-graders now for one of seven projects. Enrollment is simple. The cost is $10 and forms are available at the office, or one may enroll online at https://v2.4honline.com/#/user/sign-in and pay with a credit card there as well. The first meeting will be between 6-7 p.m. on Thursday, Feb. 23 at the Putnam County Fairgrounds in the York Automotive Building.

Other meetings will occur on April 4 and April 26 and the field day will be on June 28. The meetings are typically 6-7 p.m., the field day is during the afternoon starting at 1 p.m., and all events are at the fairgrounds. Project check-in at the fair will be July 18 anytime between 4-7 p.m. and the Fun at the Fair scavenger hunt will be at 5:30 p.m. on July 26. It is fine if one misses a meeting as that should not keep one from participating.

Visit www.extension.purdue.edu/putnam or contact the local office at 653-8411 for more information regarding this week’s column topic or to RSVP for upcoming events. Office hours are Monday through Friday from 8 a.m.-noon and 1-4 p.m. Evening and lunch appointments are available, upon request. It is always best to call first to assure items are ready when you arrive and to RSVP for programs.

Upcoming Events

Feb. 7, 14, 21, 28 – Be Heart Smart virtual program, 5 p.m., register at https://tinyurl.com/PutCoBHS23

Feb. 9, 16, 23 – Winter Walking group, 4 p.m., York Automotive Building, Putnam County Fairgrounds

Feb. 23 – Exploring 4-H kickoff (grade 2), 6 p.m., Putnam County Fairgrounds

March 11 – Putnam County Ag Day, Putnam County Fairgrounds

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