‘A Gilbert and Sullivan Extravaganza’ set this week from DePauw School of Music

Monday, February 6, 2023

A whirlwind tour of Victorian-era theater masters with a touch the supernatural, the DePauw University School of Music will present “A Gilbert and Sullivan Extravaganza” this week, Feb. 9-12.

A group of college friends rent an old English country estate for spring break for an authentic Downton Abbey-type of experience. As they all try to get some sleep on their first night, they are awakened by some singing ghosts.

It turns out this house is haunted by W.S. Gilbert and Arthur Sullivan and all the actors who starred in their shows. What will they do? Will they perform an exorcism? Demand a refund?

Or, will they be seduced into joining this merry band of ghosts by the infectiousness of these Gilbert and Sullivan tunes?

With 15 musical numbers from seven G and S shows, the one-hour DePauw Opera production breezes through some of the best of the dynamic British duo, whose Victorian-era English-culture musings set the stage for 20th-century music theater.

“The students and faculty are excited to present these tuneful and whimsically themed numbers to our audiences,” Orcenith Smith, conductor of the production, said. “Our guest stage director, Cara Consilvio, has created a mystery story connecting all these memorable moments and the technical director, Jaye Beetem, has illuminated that story filling the stage with fun set objects.”

The DePauw Opera production features 22 student singers and a full orchestra in Moore Theatre, Thursday through Saturday, Feb. 9-11 at 7:30 p.m. and Sunday, Feb. 12 at 2 p.m.

Tickets are $10 general admission and, students are free. See the depauw.edu/music website for ticket details.

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