Greencastle Music Fest named Best Festival by Indiana Tourism Association

Thursday, March 23, 2023
Greencastle Music Fest founder Gail Smith accepts the Best Event/Festival Indiana Tourism Award from Gerry Dick earlier this week.
Courtesy photo

It’s hardly news to locals that Greencastle Music Fest is a special event.

For 13 years now, the annual festival has been packing downtown Greencastle with music fans for what has become a two-night celebration of music and community.

On Tuesday the event got some statewide recognition, with Music Fest founder Gail Smith accepting the Best Event/Festival (market budgets under $300,000) award from the Indiana Tourism Association.

Bestowed during the annual Indiana tourism conference, held this year in Elkhart, the Indiana Tourism Awards honor tourism businesses that are creative, innovative and maximize the dollars invested.

Music Fest was one of 14 entities honored across various categories. (See full list below.)

Founder Gail Smith said she was surprised with the honor, even though she had been encouraged to submit Music Fest for consideration.

“I’ve been encouraged by some tourism people and some entertainment people, but I really didn’t think,” Smith trailed off, “well, I was just in shock when they awarded it to me.

“I’m thrilled. It will be great exposure on the state level for the Music Fest to be honored like that,” she added. “All the leaders in tourism in the local level, county level and state level are there.”

She added that the award was made extra special in that it was awarded by veteran Indianapolis-based journalist Gerry Dick of Inside INdiana Business.

Even if Music Fest hadn’t been honored, Smith would have been in attendance, as she makes the convention part of her calendar every year, with more than 200 tourism leaders coming together for networking and educational sessions over three days.

“It’s great networking,” Smith said. “In my realm of work, I think it’s important.”

The setback of the 2020 cancellation in the midst of the pandemic notwithstanding, the story of Greencastle Music Fest has been one of growth from a one-off celebration to an annual destination event.

“Our biggest year was probably 2019, then of course in 2020 we didn’t have it,” Smith recalled. “In 2021, we still had effects of the pandemic. Then this past year, I wouldn’t say it was as big as 2019, but it was close. And who knows what 2023 is going to be, as long as the weather holds out.”

The years of Music Fest have coincided with an era of a revitalization of downtown Greencastle, coinciding initially with the Stellar Communities grant and later with First Fridays, which were inspired by the festival.

“It’s a good thing not only for the Music Fest, but all the things attached to downtown,” Smith said. “The First Fridays were born from that — Music Fest started in 2010, and then First Friday was in 2014. It’s just been a snowball effect. Most importantly, we keep our locals in town, then we bring in folks from outside because we’ve got the cool.”

Downtown Greencastle also has the dining now, growing from a time Smith’s Almost Home was one of few downtown dining options, to now when no less than a half dozen dining options are within a block of the Putnam County Courthouse.

Planning is well under way for the 2023 Greencastle Music Fest, set for Aug. 25 and 26.

The Indiana Tourism Association’s mission is advocating the value of tourism in Indiana and supporting the best practices of its members. Established in 1980, the association partners with the Indiana Destination Development Corporation, Association of Indiana Restaurant and Lodging and other statewide associations to support tourism investment and promotion as an economic contributor to the state.

The Indiana Tourism Award winners were:

Best Advocacy Initiative – Indiana State Festivals Association

Best Brochure – Holiday World & Splashin’ Safari

Best Cooperative Partnership – Elkhart County CVB

Best Culinary Focused Marketing Campaign – Indiana Foodways Alliance and Indiana Destination Development Corporation

Best Digital Marketing Campaign – Visit Bloomington

Best Event/Festival (Marketing Budgets under $300,000) – Greencastle Music Fest

Best Event/Festival (Marketing Budgets over $300,000) – Visit Michigan City LaPorte

Best New Experience (Marketing Budgets under $300,000) – Steuben County Tourism Bureau

Best New Experience (Marketing Budgets over $300,000) – Visit South Bend Mishawaka

Best New Merchandise – Visit Fort Wayne

Best Overall Marketing Campaign – Indianapolis Zoo and Borshoff

Best Specialty Item – Shelby County Tourism and Visitors Bureau

Best Visitors Guide (Marketing Budgets under $300,000) – Visit Madison, Inc.

Best Visitors Guide (Marketing Budgets over $300,000) – Visit Fort Wayne

In addition to the above awards, the Indiana Tourism Association gave out an individual award based on merit. Luanne Mattson of SoIN tourism was awarded the Indiana Tourism Association Member of the Year, which honors someone who stepped forward and provided exemplary service and leadership to the industry and the association.

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  • Is that picture photo-shopped? Compare head sizes. Something is off. Congrats to Gail Smith though.

    -- Posted by Ben Dover on Thu, Mar 23, 2023, at 9:12 PM
  • Congratulations, Gail!! And Greencastle!

    -- Posted by Phelpsfamilyfarm on Sat, Mar 25, 2023, at 6:21 AM
  • Why do we continue to put this Greencastle Music Fest on a pedestal? This is a music fest that the promoter Gail Smith has a sponsored fundraiser for with participant entry fee, the shamrock 5K, then gets more sponsors for the actual music fest to pay for costs, then charges everyone to attend. Not to mention the Greencastle City Council allows music fest to block off around the courthouse and stopping other business from being open and possibly hurting their revenue! I believe last year is was $10 a night(don't actually remember what was advertised) And to listen to the same band every year... How much money is she really making? I would not be so upset if it was not sold as a community event as it seems to be every single year. Gail Smith please sell it for what it is.... a way to put money in your pocket...

    -- Posted by putnamcountyperson on Sat, Mar 25, 2023, at 10:56 AM
  • PCP,

    Do you have the knowledge to support your accusation? Have the other business's challenged the street block off? Are they open during the fest times? Do you feel the same way about first friday's?

    Do you ever listen to the same album again? Ever buy a different album from the same artist? Every watch something again? Ever pay to see the same movie again? $10 cover charge sounds very affordable.

    -- Posted by beg on Sat, Mar 25, 2023, at 2:10 PM
  • Beg

    I do not feel the same way about first Friday's as it is free to attend. I do not know if those business challenge it our not. I do know that last year they had the road/sidewalk blocked off so you could not even attempt to go to those business unless you paid the entry fee. You got me on listening to the same music again, if you want to go listen then go for it. I do have a problem with paying money to enter a public area when it’s does not benefit the public in some way other than a business owner making money, I mean I have no idea what the numbers are for it and cost. But I know the first 2 years it was free. Now it’s not. That should tell you something right there. It’s whatever just wish it would stop being pitched as an event to help the community…

    -- Posted by putnamcountyperson on Sat, Mar 25, 2023, at 6:38 PM
  • Pcp-good point. Not for profits sponsor large sums of money. If the greencastle music fest is designated a non profit, ask to see their books. I'm sure thousands are made by her off of these events.

    -- Posted by Keepyaguessin on Sat, Mar 25, 2023, at 9:49 PM
  • Or we could stop spewing negativity and realize that this is an overall good thing for the entire community. Your choice, I suppose.

    -- Posted by Koios on Sat, Mar 25, 2023, at 11:24 PM
  • Koios,

    Can you explain to me how this is a good thing for the entire community? I do not mean this in a you are wrong no matter what way. I pose this question for a matter of understanding your thoughts on the matter.

    -- Posted by putnamcountyperson on Sun, Mar 26, 2023, at 9:09 AM
  • Music festivals give members of the community a place to gather and share a sense of culture and community. They can be traced back many millennia.

    -- Posted by Koios on Sun, Mar 26, 2023, at 12:09 PM
  • I would love music fest to go or at least move from downtown. It just makes it difficult for everyone. Move it to the fairgrounds: lots of room and plenty of parking!

    -- Posted by Homegrown765 on Sun, Mar 26, 2023, at 7:19 PM
  • Koios.

    Remember they have to pay money to gather and have that sense of culture.

    -- Posted by putnamcountyperson on Sun, Mar 26, 2023, at 8:53 PM
  • Thank you Gail for all you do for our community. I’m sure all the negativity above have never been in your shoes and all the hard work you put into these events. People complain because there is nothing to do in Greencastle and now complain that you, Gail, are providing things. Again, thank you

    -- Posted by Nit on Sun, Mar 26, 2023, at 9:05 PM
  • Why would anyone expect musicians to play for free? Of course it costs money. And the gate charge is not exorbitant, at the end of the day if you don’t want to pay that it’s your freedom to not.

    -- Posted by Koios on Sun, Mar 26, 2023, at 9:40 PM
  • I was truly surprised to see negative comments on this. People come from other towns and cities too; it brings money into Greencastle. I don't know or care if anyone is making a profit - I doubt it, but promoters usually do. Sounds like someone has an issue with Gail Smith that is totally unrelated to the festival.

    -- Posted by unbiased on Sun, Mar 26, 2023, at 11:15 PM
  • Congratulations Gail on the award! I grew up in Greencastle in the 1960's-1980's. I live elsewhere now. I wish that we had something like this going on in my time in Greencastle. I love to return to Greencastle for this event! I know that it takes lots of work to put this together every year.Awesome job on getting this award! And yes, by the way, Gerry Dick does seem to have a very large head!

    -- Posted by fishersresident on Mon, Mar 27, 2023, at 12:47 PM
  • unbiased, I was also.

    -- Posted by beg on Tue, Mar 28, 2023, at 10:58 PM
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