Peace Lutheran plant sale set Saturday

Monday, April 24, 2023

Peace Lutheran Church is holding its third-annual plant giveaway and sale on Saturday, April 29 from 9 a.m.-noon in the church parking lot at 1421 Bloomington St., Greencastle.

Church members have gleaned their flower gardens and are sharing their perennials, bulbs and seeds as well as years of gardening knowledge.

Flats of annual bedding plants and vegetables will also be available and divided into individual containers for those who just need a plant or two.

The event will have kids’ activities, including making seed balls. Container gardening and pollinator garden suggestions will also be shared.

Plants and garden items are free or for a suggested donation. All proceeds will benefit the Care Net Pregnancy Center of Putnam County.

Visitors can also see the renovations being done to convert eight acres of prairie behind Peace Lutheran Church into quail and native pollinator habitat, in conjunction with the Conservation Reserve Program.

“We’re sharing God’s bounty so others can get outside and enjoy nature after the long cold winter,” church member and event coordinator Pat Harmon said.

The event is funded in part by a grant from Thrivent Financial.

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