Reasons enumerated for a timber harvest

Monday, June 5, 2023
Jenna Nees

In April, Purdue Extension and the Putnam County Soil & Water Conservation District hosted a four-session Forestry Management Workshop Series, featuring presentations from Extension educators, industry representatives and woodlot owners. This week’s article will feature some of the key points shared during the series as it relates to timber harvest.

You may wonder why someone might want to have a timber harvest. There are about six common reasons why individuals have a timber harvest.

Reason 1. The trees are there and if you don’t harvest, then you may lose that potential funding source. You could lose that source due to disease issues, insect pressure, stress (weather or other cause), and/or storm damage.

Reason 2. Trees are a renewable resource. Therefore, if you harvest the tree a new one will grow. If you want a certain type of tree, then you would need to plant it, but if you don’t have a preference, allow nature to take the course and a seedling might germinate that is in the seedbank underground.

Reason 3. You can use a timber harvest as a periodic source of income. Theoretically, if you properly maintain your forest, you should be able to harvest it every few years (assuming the growth rate of the trees).

Reason 4. You would like to maintain a healthy forest. As mentioned before, trees can be impacted by disease, insects, weather and other stressors. As you learn about the signs and symptoms of these issues, you may decide to harvest your timber when you first start seeing an issue in an effort to minimize the impact it has on the overall health of your forest. A good example of this was when individuals decided to harvest ash trees before they were impacted by emerald ash borer.

Reason 5. Some individuals will have a timber harvest to help provide them with an income to cover unexpected financial needs they have occurred.

Reason 6. The forest owner wants to salvage any trees that have been impacted by disease or wind before they are fully destroyed. This is similar to reason four; however, in this case the issue has already caused destruction and you are trying to find some salvageable income from what remains.

Now that you know some of the reason an individual may decide to have a timber harvest, you may wonder what trees are worth harvesting. Recently, the top-valued trees have been black walnut, white oak, red oak, black cherry and sugar maple. However, there are a number of factors that can determine the actual price the timber is valued at. Some of those factors include the tree species, ease of access by the loggers, distance from the saw mill, fuel prices, mill inventory, quality of the tree, contract restrictions and the need for a county permit (required in some counties).

Not everyone wants to or needs to have a timber harvest. Some individuals prefer to maintain their forest and allow the trees to grow to their maximum potential without being harvested. Regardless of whether or not you want to have a timber harvest, it is important that you have a basic understanding of timber sales, in case you ever consider the possibility of having one. We will dive deeper into timber harvest in our next column.

Visit or contact the local Purdue Extension Office at 653-8411 for more information regarding this week’s column topic or to RSVP for upcoming events. It is always best to call first to assure items are ready when you arrive and to RSVP for programs. While many publications are free, some do have a fee.

Upcoming Events

June 19 – Extension Office closed for Juneteenth holiday

June 27 – ServSafe Food Handler Course and Exam, 1-5 p.m., register at

June 28 – Men’s Health Month Bite by Bite podcast episode airs, listen at

July 1 – Last day to sign up for state fair livestock exhibition at least entry cost

July 12 – Canning Workshop, Putnam County Fairgrounds, 11 a.m.-4 p.m., registration required at 653-841

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  • Timber harvest can be a source of income, but owners need to be aware they will have to include that income on taxes for the year they receive income.

    -- Posted by howsthishappen on Tue, Jun 6, 2023, at 3:27 PM
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