Letter to the Editor

LETTER: How to escape debt

Thursday, June 8, 2023

To the Editor:

When I was a kid and my folks gave me a quarter, I knew I couldn’t spend 30 cents. That was 80 years ago. Why can’t our national government do the same?

If the national debt was to be paid, it would take $95,000 per person or $250,000 per family. Since I live alone, I could reach the per person, but who would join me? Our President? VP? Congress folk? News media? As I see it, my four great-grandchildren!

There were five in my family. I had an older sister and a younger brother. Middle is the best. Before school started in the fall — by the way school back in the ’40s was just eight months — my Mother took us to J.C. Penney, Sears or Montgomery Ward and outfitted us with appropriate clothes. Our books were handed down or purchased from a kid a year older. I took typing in high school on a non-electric machine. The only shower most of us got was after PE.

Briefly let me share some thoughts as to what I think our forefathers might have had.

1. Serve your country without pay. How many government workers leave their jobs with MM? Most of us live on less than $75.

2. Park Airforce I & II. I heard it cost $100,000 an hour.

3. Quit giving foreign aid to countries that spit in our face.

4. Get thinking back into all classrooms. Pre-K-PhD

Loren Hetrick, Greencastle