Dad bods are in: why men are embracing a healthier lifestyle

Thursday, June 15, 2023

Men are no longer under pressure to have six-pack abs and chiseled biceps to be attractive. Instead, many are opting for the “dad bod,” a softer, more relaxed physique that symbolizes a man who is comfortable in his own skin.

The dad bod is not just about looks, but also reflects a healthier and more balanced lifestyle. Men are embracing the dad bod because they are shifting their priorities beyond their careers, focusing on hobbies, travel and spending time with loved ones. Financial wellness is an essential aspect of overall wellness for men, as unforeseen medical events can have a significant impact on their financial stability and overall wellbeing. By having adequate health insurance coverage, building an emergency fund and regularly scheduling men’s health tune-ups, they can protect themselves from the financial burden of unexpected medical expenses and focus on living a fulfilling life with their family.

Life is full of stressors - from work deadlines to relationship problems. But rather than turning to unhealthy coping mechanisms like drinking or overeating, many men are finding healthier ways to deal with stress, such as meditation, exercise or therapy. By managing their stress in a healthy way, men can find more enjoyment in life and avoid burnout.

Anxiety and depression are common mental health conditions that can significantly impact men’s well-being, relationships and daily functioning. While women are about twice as likely as men to be diagnosed with a mental health issue, men are often under-diagnosed because of societal expectations that they should be strong and self-reliant. This may prevent men from seeking help for anxiety and depression, despite the fact that they are over four times more likely than women to die from suicide.

These conditions can also have a profound effect on men’s parenting styles. Men who experience anxiety or depression may find it challenging to engage with their children or be less involved in parenting responsibilities. They may struggle to manage their emotions, leading to outbursts or a lack of patience with their children. Additionally, men who are anxious or depressed may find it difficult to model positive behaviors for their children, as they may struggle with self-care or healthy coping strategies. This can create a cycle of negative behavior that affects their children’s well-being and development.

It’s crucial for men who are experiencing anxiety or depression to seek help and support in managing these conditions. By doing so, they can better manage their emotions, engage with their children and model positive behaviors. Men should not feel ashamed or embarrassed to seek help, as mental health conditions are common and treatable. Addressing these conditions can improve men’s overall well-being, relationships and quality of life.

Exercise and healthy eating habits are crucial for maintaining a healthy body and mind. That’s why more and more men are striving to get at least 30 minutes of physical activity a day, whether it’s through jogging, lifting weights, or playing sports. They’re also focusing on eating their greens - not just their macros - prioritizing nutrient-dense foods over empty calories.

In conclusion, the dad bod is not just a passing trend - it’s a reflection of a healthier, more balanced lifestyle that many men are striving for. By focusing on their overall well-being and taking a proactive approach to their health, men can live longer, healthier and more fulfilling lives. “Healthy men, strong men: Let’s take charge of our health!”

This men’s health awareness message is brought to you by your local Purdue Extension partner, your education partner for life.

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