Mahoney’s Coneys prepares for comeback at 200th celebration

Friday, June 16, 2023
Marge Miller puts together a Mahoney’s Coney during a previous comeback of the favorite local treat. Mahoney’s Coneys will again be offered during the Putnam County bicentennial celebration on June 25 at the Putnam County Museum.
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The coney, on paper, might look simple: A hot dog in a bun topped with a meat sauce. But Mahoney’s Coneys, a Greencastle delicacy, has a reputation like no other.

A fan favorite from the long-lost B-K Root Beer stand, the meat sauce on a Mahoney’s Coney is a particular recipe that’s been deeply missed by Putnam County residents since the eatery closed in the 1970s. Luckily, the iconic Greencastle delicacy will be served at the Putnam County Museum’s bicentennial celebration on June 25, and Marge Miller, heir of the original recipe, is preparing for a long line of excited customers.

“I have no clue what sets it apart, it just hits the spot,” Miller said. The coneys continue to stand the test of time, a fitting menu for the museum’s summer gathering.

She was in seventh grade when the root beer stand was introduced to Greencastle on the corner of Veterans Memorial Highway (then the Penn Central Railroad tracks) and Bloomington Street. The four Mahoney kids were put to work, Miller said, and after its 20-year stretch and paying for four college tuitions, Dan Mahoney decided to sell the business. It didn’t last much longer after being bought, but despite its quick disappearance, the B-K Coneys remained on locals’ minds and tastebuds.

“To be perfectly honest, I had absolutely no idea that it was as popular as it was,” Miller said, reminicing on the times. “I am just completely blown away that people still remember,” she added.

Although she has never officially publicized her mother’s cherished recipe, Miller knows it’s been floating among a few Greencastle enthusiasts. But a special attention to detail will make or break the nostalgic taste.

“You have to follow the recipe by the letter,” she advised, otherwise, it’s just any old coney.

She’s already prepared 36 pounds of chuck roast for the bicentennial celebration, the largest batch she’s ever made. While the legacy is immesurable, “it’s just been a nice run, that’s all I can say,” Miller said. “I hope my parents are looking down and smiling,” she added.

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  • They are, for sure. And your little brother.

    -- Posted by Inn at DePauw on Fri, Jun 16, 2023, at 9:14 AM

    -- Posted by Queen53 on Fri, Jun 16, 2023, at 11:36 AM
  • I need the recipe please! Delicious

    -- Posted by pksauer1 on Fri, Jun 16, 2023, at 2:12 PM
  • It was the barbecue for me - THAT'S a recipe I'd pay for. Never found anything like it.

    -- Posted by unbiased on Fri, Jun 16, 2023, at 6:42 PM
  • Working there one summer when I was 15 was my first job, that would have been 1957. All the offerings were loved by the people of Greencastle.

    -- Posted by wilken on Sat, Jun 17, 2023, at 7:02 AM
  • Four college educations on coney money?!?! Wow...

    -- Posted by Youseriousclark? on Sat, Jun 17, 2023, at 12:47 PM
  • I used to love to go there as a kid back in the fifties and early sixties the best coneys and the best root beer anywhere around. Looking forward to taste them again.

    -- Posted by chicken on Sat, Jun 17, 2023, at 1:57 PM
  • Didn't someone open a restaurant out by the old Walmart based on the BK coneys? Maybe sometime in the 80s.

    -- Posted by Alfred E. on Sun, Jun 18, 2023, at 12:04 PM
  • What time are we serving?? I was a little kid when this place was in business

    -- Posted by Leonard47 on Mon, Jun 19, 2023, at 12:20 AM
  • The birthday celebration is from 1:00 to 4:00 on Sunday, June 25th. Plan to park at the fairgrounds, using the north gate and a school bus shuttle will transport people back and forth from the PC Museum to the fairgrounds.

    -- Posted by LJScott on Mon, Jun 19, 2023, at 8:46 AM
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