Chip seal operations starting on or after July 26 in Putnam County

Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Chip sealing operations will begin later this month on U.S. 231 near Greencastle and U.S. 36 near Danville, the Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT) has announced.

U.S. 231 will be temporarily closed from approximately 1.05 miles north of Interstate 70 to approximately 0.22 miles south of State Road 240 starting on or after Wednesday, July 26, weather permitting.

The closure is expected to last for last for at least a week.

U.S. 36 will be temporarily closed from approximately 0.18 miles east of State Road 75 in western Hendricks County to approximately 0.6 miles west of State Road 39 starting on or after Monday, July 24, weather permitting. The closure is expected to last for at least a week.

Crews will place message boards at each end of the project to alert the traveling public. INDOT suggests finding alternative routes during the short duration of the chip sealing operation.

Work is completed under lane closures with flagging, or a full closure, to prevent damage to both vehicles and the roadway. During operations, existing pavement is coated with liquid asphalt, which seals cracks and provides waterproof protection. This extends the service life of the roadway and lowers maintenance costs. Once the seal coat is complete, loose aggregate is applied and swept from the road. After a curing period, crews will return to fog seal the new driving surface and apply pavement markings.

INDOT makes every effort to reduce vehicle damage during and immediately after chip seal projects. While these efforts may not prevent all damage to vehicles during the chip seal process, they have substantially reduced the likelihood of damage.

Chip seal is a cost-effective pavement preservation technique that is utilized across the state of Indiana, saving an estimated $6 to $14 in taxpayer expenditures for every dollar invested in extending the life of a roadway.

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  • 231 north of I70 makes sense. But to 240?? Where does 240 cross 231?

    -- Posted by banana49 on Tue, Jul 11, 2023, at 11:31 PM
  • *

    banana49 Veterans Memorial Highway is considered part of 240.

    -- Posted by Lobster Johnson 1939 on Wed, Jul 12, 2023, at 6:51 AM
  • So with the closing of 231 for a week the trucks hauling to Buzzi coming from interstate 70 will have to take other routes. If you look at another route you will see that you can take 243 to US 40 and go straight across to get there. Problem is that road is not made to accommodate such trucks where some will be hauling hazardous waste. There has been many times trucks have ran into problems on that road. The telephone pole on that road gets broken at lease twice a year from trucks not to mention over weighing the bridges on that road. The only thing the county has stating “ No trucks” is a very small sign blended in with other signs that drivers don’t see. Y’all might want to fix this problem before a bigger problem happens on this road.

    -- Posted by bluewolf121702 on Wed, Jul 12, 2023, at 11:05 PM
  • Putnam County Highway needs to put up very large, obvious signs that state that No Trucks are allowed north of Putnamville where IN 243 ends. Also, they need to contact Buzzi and alert them to this situation so they can notify their haulers of the official detour and that they cannot haul on this road. Is Manhattan Road another road that is able to handle the trucks as far as weight, etc., or is this another route that needs to be signed by the County Highway?

    -- Posted by gustave&zelma on Thu, Jul 13, 2023, at 10:55 AM
  • This has been a problem for years. On cemetery road leaving Greencastle there is a sign stating grade too steep for truck but not until they are committed to the steep grade and if it was before the corner they would be committed to cross bridges that cannot the weight of the trucks. The signs should be large and at the entrance of cemetery road as well. Again about twice a year there is a truck hung up on the railroad tracks.

    -- Posted by bluewolf121702 on Thu, Jul 13, 2023, at 3:44 PM
  • Why not chip seal the whole town? Or just turn it all into gravel roads?

    -- Posted by Leonard47 on Thu, Jul 13, 2023, at 9:57 PM
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