What Could Go Wrong?

Monday, July 17, 2023
Onstage for “The Play that Goes Wrong” at Putnam County Playhouse, the friends and family of Charles Haversham/Jonathan Harris (played by Cameron Wunderlich) raise a glass of “Scotch” in his memory early in the play-within-the-play production of “Murder at Haversham Manor.” Also playing pivotal roles in the comedy are (from left) Inspector Carter/director Chris Bean (Grant Craig), Florence Colleymore/ Sandra Wilkinson (Anna Harris), Thomas Colleymore/Robert Grove (Andrew Ranck), Cecil Haversham/Arthur the gardener/Max Bennett (Ase Lafevre) and Perkins the butler/Dennis Tyde (Jack Randall Earles). With three productions already complete, the chaos continues this Wednesday through Saturday, July 19-22, at 8 p.m. each day at the Putnam County Playhouse. Tickets are still available by calling the box office at 653-5880 after 5 p.m. any day through Saturday.

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