Lisa Eldridge named new principal at Tzouanakis Intermediate

Tuesday, July 18, 2023
Formally approved Monday by the Greencastle School Board, Lisa Eldridge will be the new principal at Tzouanakis Intermediate School when students return on Friday, Aug. 4.

When it came time to hire a new principal at Tzouanakis Intermediate School, Greencastle Community Schools found the answer just down U.S. 231 in Spencer.

On Monday, the Greencastle School Board approved hiring Lisa Eldridge as the new Tzouanakis principal.

Eldridge replaces Jennifer Rhoades, who tendered her resignation late in June. Rhoades had served as principal since taking over on an interim basis in November 2018 before officially taking the reins in April 2019.

The new principal comes to Greencastle from her hometown Spencer-Owen Community Schools, where she served most recently as principal of Owen Valley Middle School for two years, following four years as assistant principal at Spencer Elementary School.

Prior to moving into administration, Eldridge served in elementary special education.

“I have my roots in elementary. That’s kind of where my passion and calling is,” Eldridge said. “I took a little stay away from that to go to middle school to help out at Owen Valley. So when this position was posted, to have a chance to get back into an elementary setting and kind of use some of those skills that I’ve learned about middle school to kind of get those kids ready to make that jump into that grade level change, I think this was a good way to use my skill set and kind of get back with those students who are just a little bit younger.”

She also praised the reputation of her new school corporation.

“Greencastle has a great reputation,” Eldridge said. “I’ve known that because I’ve been in Spencer, closeby listening to different things in the community.”

Her familiarity with the community goes beyond living and teaching nearby. In a prior career, she was instrumental in the opening of Greencastle’s Walmart Distribution Center in the early 1990s.

“My degree is in business administration, so I spent a little time in Indy, working in human resources,” Eldridge said. “And then opened the Walmart Distribution Center here in Greencastle as the hiring manager. We got to hire 600 folks.

“We didn’t have a facility when I first came on board, so I got to see that facility first come up from the ground and be involved in the initial years there,” she added.

After her time with Walmart, Eldridge took time away from her career to raise a family, obtaining a Master’s in Education along the way.

“Then I just went right into elementary school, got some leadership positions, and here I am,” she said.

Supt. Jeff Gibboney expressed his excitement at what Eldridge brings to GCSC.

“Her leadership experience shined really brightly,” Gibboney said. “Her background in curriculum, instruction and data is really what we need to move TZ forward.”

Assistant Supt. Becky McPherson concurred.

“I think she has a lot that we can learn from here at Greencastle and will be a great fit,” McPherson said.

The superintendent also praised the team of teachers and administrators who worked through the hiring process, as well as the “good pool of applicants.”

With those recommendations, board member Brian Cox made the motion to approve Eldridge’s initial two-year contract, a move seconded by Ed Wilson.

Mike White joined them in making it a 3-0 vote. Board members Dale Pierce and Megan Inman were not present for the one-item special session.

For her part Eldridge expressed her excitement at getting started in her new job.

“I have spent some time in the district and met some of the people who have been nothing but helpful in introducing key people who can help make TZ more successful,” Eldridge said. “I’m really anxious to get started and hit the ground running.”

Eldridge is one of two principals starting her tenure with GCSC with the fall semester. In May, Celina Clements was hired as Greencastle Middle School principal, replacing McPherson following her move to Central Office.

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  • Did any of our local, Greencastle administrators apply for and considered for the TZ principal position? If not, why weren't they? I wish Ms. Eldridge well and I hope she stays for a very long time as a Tiger Cub. However, we have qualified people that are already in our corporation that are loyal to the school that are ready to serve. It seems that we bring so many administrators from outside the corporation and they leave within a year or two.

    -- Posted by gustave&zelma on Tue, Jul 18, 2023, at 11:16 AM
  • Excellent point raised by G&Z.

    -- Posted by Inn at DePauw on Tue, Jul 18, 2023, at 11:57 AM
  • Rumor on the street is that administration indicated that no hometown talent would be considered…

    -- Posted by The Crusty Curmudgeon on Tue, Jul 18, 2023, at 1:01 PM
  • Yet another reason to have an elected school board. Greencastle is an oddity in that regard.

    -- Posted by Ben Dover on Wed, Jul 19, 2023, at 8:53 PM
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