Chip seal operations to temporarily close U.S. 231 beginning Wednesday

Monday, July 24, 2023

Chip-and-seal operations will begin this week on U.S. 231, north of Interstate 70, the Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT) has announced.

U.S. 231 will be temporarily closed from approximately 1.05 miles north of I-70 to approximately 0.22 miles south of State Road 240 (Veterans Memorial Highway) starting on or after Wednesday, July 26, weather permitting.

The closure is expected to last for at least a week, INDOT officials said.

Crews will place message boards at each end of the project to alert the traveling public. INDOT suggests finding alternative routes, such as using State Road 243 through Putnamville, during the duration of the chip-and-seal operation.

Work is completed under lane closures with flagging, or a full closure, to prevent damage to both vehicles and the roadway.

During operations, existing pavement is coated with liquid asphalt, which seals cracks and provides waterproof protection. This extends the service life of the roadway and lowers maintenance costs. Once the seal coat is complete, loose aggregate is applied and swept from the road. After a curing period, crews will return to fog seal the new driving surface and apply pavement markings.

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  • Is the operation going North or South? Which end are they starting on?

    -- Posted by PCnative64 on Mon, Jul 24, 2023, at 7:49 PM
  • Might as well close Putnam County for a month or two and get all this construction completed- it is everywhere!

    -- Posted by Alfred E. on Tue, Jul 25, 2023, at 7:44 AM
  • Great timing, shut down 231 during Fair Week. Remember when they decided to pave West Walnut Road during Covered Bridge Festival?

    -- Posted by Ben Dover on Tue, Jul 25, 2023, at 8:00 PM
  • I had a doctor's appointment at the hospital today. I had to go Cemetery Rd to Jones Road to get to the hospital. It got me to thinking about coming to the hospital from different parts of the county. This 231 closing will add life deciding minutes to an emergency run. Didn't they just chip and seal US 36 with only lane restrictions?

    -- Posted by Alfred E. on Wed, Jul 26, 2023, at 2:11 PM
  • US Hwy 231 is the mostly traveled road in Putnam County after I-70. Chip and Seal!!!??? Are you friggin' kidding me! You are placing all of the surface compaction responsibility on every single vehicle that travels that road! 2 wheel, 4 wheel, 10, 12, and 18 wheel alike! Just like everything else, the geniuses behind this crap took the cheap way out! Again! Instead of doing the job right first time! Spend the money and do the road resurfacing right! Never mind the damage done to vehicles with flying chip stones, but the huge potential liability incurred when a motorcycle goes down on loose gravel and slides under another vehicle... or gravel is thrown and strikes someone like a bullet as they tend to their yard or are getting mail from their street side mail box! This is so unbelievable, it defies any logical thought! I cannot urge everyone strongly enough to IMMEDIATELY file a tort claim with the county! This puts you on record of notice so when your window(s) get damaged/broken and/or your paint has to be completely sanded down and repainted, you and everyone else will have legal civil recourse. Check your paint, windows, and headlights after each trip on this monstrosity! Take photos! File a claim! And if needed, hire a mouthpiece lawyer! If 1 or 2 people people do this, the county will laugh at you. If 1 or 2 thousand do this after being on this now backwoods-country-road, the ones that thought that they were saving a lot of money will find out just how much they'll spend to pay out on all of these claims! Oh yeah! Another thing! Do exactly the same tort claim with the state seeing as how this US Highway is maintained by the state DOT! UNBELIEVABLE!!!

    -- Posted by Marvin-The-Martian on Thu, Jul 27, 2023, at 1:31 AM
  • This is all, 100% an INDOT decision as it is their highway. Putnam County has nothing to do with the decision or the maintenance, just like Greencastle has nothing to do with decisions about the current situation of 231 through the city (Bloomington St, Washington Street from Bloomington to Jackson Streets and North Jackson St.).

    -- Posted by gustave&zelma on Thu, Jul 27, 2023, at 12:02 PM
  • I believe that was mentioned towards the bottom of the commentary. Regardless... What a waste of money! 231 was just repaved in the past 2 years! Remember how they had to go back and redo the sideline rumble indents because the contractor put them out in the driving lane instead of at the shoulder line?!?!? Fill out that Tort Claim with the State!

    -- Posted by Marvin-The-Martian on Thu, Jul 27, 2023, at 11:08 PM
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