Putnam County Cheerleading Competition hits the road to help schools bring spirit, funds in for future involvement

Monday, July 24, 2023
South Putnam was able to rejoin the field at the Putnam County Cheerleading Competition this year, finishing third in the small school division with a team score of 227.5 points, just five points back of second-place Cascade with Tri-West winning the division.
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BAINBRIDGE – As part of the change from separating itself from Putnam County 4-H Fair Week, the Putnam County Cheerleading Competition moved from Greencastle to North Putnam Saturday night.

The Cougars hosted teams from Cascade, Tri-West, Crawfordsville, Decatur Central and South Putnam across four divisions, along with continuing the Outstanding Senior Cheerleader competition.

The Bruins won both the middle school and small-school division titles while the Hawks won the large school division title and the hosts won the school song division.

Event organizers Lindsey Roberts and Brooklee Pell explained that part of the reason for the move was to help encourage all the county schools to be more active participants in the future while helping the athletic departments out along the way.

“We’re trying to give the county schools a chance to use this event as a fundraiser,” Roberts said. “This allows them to make money from the event and for us to have a cheer competition .

“Last year, we partnered with Greencastle High School and this year we partnered with North Putnam High School. (Cougar athletic director Bart Jochim) was very kind and accommodating for us, so it’s been a good deal for all of us.”

Global Construction Management was the lead sponsor for the event this year, allowing the organizers to keep things moving along as they have in past years.

“Funding has a lot to do with changing locations and making this event work,” Roberts noted. “We do a lot to make sure everyone knows what is going on and where things are at.

“We’re trying to help girls out, trying to help cheerleaders and trying to help schools out, making money for the athletic departments. We do it all for the cheers.”

Tri-West won the middle school division over Cascade 254.5-246.5 and held serve over the Cadets in the small school division 265.5-232 with South Putnam close behind on 227.5 points.

Decatur Central beat out Crawfordsville 238.5-213 in the large school division with North Putnam scoring 220 points in the school song division.

Bruin senior Ava Depinet won the Outstanding Senior Cheerleading contest with a score of 279.5 points. Greencastle seniors Brylynn Watson (270) and Avery Capps (258) were second and third with North Putnam senior Cheyanne Dunigan finishing fourth (256).

While no county title was awarded due to the lack of having all the county teams available, Roberts and Pell both said the event went off without a hitch and both looked forward to continuing the contest down the right path.

“We feel great about how the contest went,” Roberts said. “The judges do such a great job in what they’re asked to do and we stand behind their judgment.

“We love it. Another successful year has come and gone and we can’t wait for next year.”

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