Greencastle Presbyterian Church hosts Enneagram group

Monday, August 21, 2023

In the past few years, many people have become aware of the importance of healthy relationships and positive mental health. This experience rings true in homes and workplaces, and one resource that many have found helpful has been the Enneagram.

Simply meaning “nine-sided,” the Enneagram is a personality theory suggesting there are nine different ways of seeing the world. It has become popular within faith communities, businesses and non-profits as a way to generate greater understanding and connection.

Pastor Wes Kendall recently attended an intensive experience with The Narrative Enneagram in Menlo Park, Calif., and he will be hosting an overview of the Enneagram this Wednesday at 5:30 p.m. at Greencastle Presbyterian Church for anyone interested.

The church has an Enneagram group that meets on Wednesday evenings from 5:30-7 p.m. each week for support, personal growth and connection.

The presentation on Wednesday is an opportunity for anyone interested in joining the group or simply to learn more about the Enneagram.

There are many ways the Enneagram can be used. This presentation will focus on the stated goal of the Narrative Enneagram group to deepen compassion for one’s self and for others.

Greencastle Presbyterian Church is located at 653 S. CR 100 East, just north of the Putnam County Playhouse. Those interested are invited to join in or to contact Kendall by email at

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