Greencastle beats heat, Crawfordsville in girls' soccer home opener

Monday, August 21, 2023
As Greencastle's Penny Cummings and Crawfordsville goalkeeper Zoey Corbin nearly collide in the goalmouth, the ball squirts beyond both players for Ali Dobbs (2) to tap home for the Tiger Cubs' fourth goal in the 5-0 win over the Athenians Monday night.
Banner Graphic/TRENT SCOTT

Despite conditions that saw several events and practices canceled, Greencastle was able to get its girls’ soccer home opener in Monday night.

The Tiger Cubs took on Crawfordsville as the sun set, providing a small bit of relief from the sweltering heat engulfing the area, much the same way the hosts engulfed the Athenians, rarely allowing the visitors into the attacking third in a 5-0 win.

“We told the girls the most dangerous lead in soccer is 2-0 at halftime because if (Crawfordsville) comes back, they had the momentum,” Greencastle head coach Scott Monnett said. “If they could have connected some passes, they could have attacked us a little better.

“Getting the third goal was crucial and from there, we continued to keep the pressure on and did what I’m excited to see us do.”

Greencastle got off to a quick start as Evie Briones opened the scoring just four minutes into the match, giving the hosts a 1-0 lead.

The Tiger Cubs pinned Crawfordsville into its own side of the field for much of the first half with only a handful of moments in which the visitors were able to bring the ball across the halfway line, instances the defense was quickly able to snuff out.

“It was extremely important to get the first goal,” Monnett said. “Everything from the scout said if we could string together some passes, we could get (Crawfordsville) to chase us.

“Of the three matches we’ve played thus far, our possession passing was the best it’s been. If we can do that, it’s going to be tough for teams to target us and take things away from us.”

While good scoring opportunities didn’t come often with the Athenian defense packed in, the pressure eventually told and Greencastle eventually got a second goal.

A corner was collected by Briones, who twisted and turned before eventually getting a clear look on goal, slotting home to make it 2-0.

Sarah Simmerman nearly made it three with 11 minutes remaining but her header from an Ali Dobbs cross hit the bar and the ball couldn’t be forced across in the ensuing scramble on the goal line, leaving the lead at 2-0 at halftime.

Crawfordsville, after a chance to regroup, nearly halved the deficit right from the restart.

Zari Freeze split the Tiger Cub defense and was in on goal but hesitated too long to shoot and Bella Monnett was able to close the angle and save a tame shot.

Greencastle punished the miss immediately as a short goal kick on the other end was collected by Simmerman, who put Emily Hunsinger in and the freshman slid a shot across goal for a 3-0 lead.

Dobbs had a free kick saved by Zoey Corbin while a snapshot from Riley Wainman sliced just wide as the hosts looked to finish off the game.

Wainman would draw a penalty midway though the half but put her spot kick over the bar, as would Briones after being teed up by Penny Cummings from a Dobbs corner soon after.

Crawfordsville began to offer more in the attack with Freeze and Beatrice Swick offering more direct running but the gaps left at the back were soon exploited as the hosts finally secured the win.

Dobbs led the break for the fourth goal, sending Cummings in one-on-one with Corbin.

Both players reached the ball around the same time with the ball squirting just beyond them and Dobbs, still following the play, appeared to tap the ball in for a 4-0 lead.

Cummings was sent in again a minute later and made the most of the second chance, beating Corbin with a calm finish for the 5-0 lead.

The Athenians had one more good attack as Swick was played in by Caroline Novak but Monnett was equal to the effort, keeping the clean sheet intact as Greencastle moved to 3-0 on the season.

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