PCHPCA offering new My Advance Directives folders

Thursday, August 24, 2023

The Putnam County Hospice and Palliative Care Association (PCHPCA) is offering a new resource to all Putnam County adults wishing to choose a legal health care representative and complete advance health care directives.

The My Advance Directives folder is a deep blue color and full of information, such as how to choose a health care representative and how to be one, as well as fact sheets about life-prolonging treatments.

“We chose the blue color so that the folder would be easily visible in a person’s file drawer for reference,” said PCHPCA Executive Director Elaine Peck.

Peck stated that adults of all ages and health conditions should choose a health care representative, and have conversations with loved ones about their wishes for care in the event of an unexpected incident or serious illness.

“Just like estate and retirement plans, your health care wishes should be reviewed and updated regularly, especially at important life milestones such as significant birthdays, marriage, a birth of a child, divorce, diagnosis of a serious illness and retirement,” she said.

The PCHPCA continues to provide free Vital Medical Information Files for persons who have a serious illness diagnosis or are aged 60 and older.

To obtain a free My Advance Directives folder or Vital Medical Information File, contact the PCHPCA at contact.us@pchpca.org or 765-301-7614. They can also be picked up in the medical records department at Putnam County Hospital.

The Putnam County Hospice and Palliative Care Association seeks to enhance the quality of life for the terminally ill, their loved ones and caregivers by educating the community about the benefits of hospice, palliative care and advance care planning.

The PCHPCA is a nonprofit public charity that operates with the help of donations, financial support from the Putnam County Community Foundation and fiscal sponsorship by Putnam County Hospital.

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