Second Saturday hosts last 2023 event this weekend

Thursday, October 12, 2023
The final Second Saturday of 2023 is set for this weekend on South Indiana Street.
Courtesy photo

Families are invited to come on out and join the free fun of Second Saturday this Saturday at 6 p.m. on South Indiana Street outside of Scoops.

The season will close things out with bounce houses and some fun fall activities. Then, to wrap it all up will be a showing of two short Halloween-related movies — including one from your favorite Paw Patrol pals. Kids can feel free to dress up as their favorite characters.

Andy and Susan Lorimer started these events as a way to give back to the community, and with Susan’s passing this year, Andy wanted to make sure we brought in some amazing entertainers to honor Susan’s vision.

“It’s been great to see what a gift each of these acts have been to our local families and kids — from Daniel Lusk’s magic show last month to the aerial artists back in June to the petting zoo in August,” organizers Wes Kendall said. “We’ve had a great time hosting some amazing acts this summer, and we want to thank all of our friends and volunteers who have made this year especially meaningful.”

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