South Putnam moves large-scale project forward

Thursday, October 12, 2023

Going off input taken at a recent work session, priorities have effectively been set for South Putnam’s anticipated multi-million-dollar development project.

Speaking to the South Putnam School Board at its regular meeting Wednesday evening, Andy Miller of the Fanning Howey architecture firm presented a list of said priorities. Even so, some determinations are being considered.

Supt. Corey Smith prefaced that a “very productive” public work session on Sept. 26 narrowed the scope of the project. Specifically, the individual items were broken down as to their activities, rather than a general area.

The most consequential items Miller addressed at the board’s August meeting were a new auxiliary gymnasium at South Putnam Middle/High School, roof replacements there and at Central Elementary School and updates overall to the former’s athletic facilities. Smaller-scale improvements were new HVAC systems and fencing.

In a nutshell, the approximate $20-million project is geared toward improving and expanding infrastructure, learning programs, athletics and classroom instruction.

“One of the things that I did add, was that there are some costs in here that will change,” Miller said. Most likely, he said, they will change to be less, and could “fold above the line,” as the project’s scope and budget are more defined.

As the major priority, Miller said the corporation has to decide on either a two-court or three-court option for the auxiliary gymnasium. This, though, would be done as the costs come along and the design development is completed. Ultimately, it comes down to factors including use and location.

Miller said the track is an example where the costs could drop dramatically as its settlement issues are better understood.

“If you’re starting with a clean slate, if there’s room to move the track 20 feet to the east,” board member Lee Cline queried to that, “would it not be roughly the same price?”

“The key to that is, we’ve already determined that we’re going to completely redo the field,” Miller responded.

Coming with the options overall and having listened to the input, Miller asked the board that the process move out of the study phase into design. He emphasized not losing time “on the back end” with tackling some of the items.

As such, the board gave its blessing for Fanning Howey and construction manager Michael Kinder & Sons (MKS) to proceed with the design phase.

Brandon Penrod of Equitable Education Solutions, Fanning Howey Project Executive Cheryl Sydzyik and MKS’ preconstruction and design vice president Dawn Terry listened in virtually.

In other business:

• Smith led a hearing on a new two-year agreement between the corporation and the South Putnam Classroom Teachers Association.

He noted that teachers’ salaries across the board will be increased by $3,000, while an option was added to be compensated as a substitute for seven class periods, rather than earn one PTO day for the same. Teachers can also earn a $500 stipend for using three-to-no PTO days.

The agreement is to be ratified by the board at a special meeting on Oct. 23.

“Everyone worked really well,” Association President Jill McCammack commented, giving credit to Brian Gardner for organizing the negotiations in general. “I just want people to know that it was a smooth process.”

The board also recognized South Putnam’s Students of the Month: Kaydin Jefferson (Central Elementary), Lizzy Ellis (Fillmore Elementary), MaryJane Shircliff (South Putnam Middle School) and Kailani Montgomery (South Putnam High School).

The board also approved the following personnel report:

• Resignations: Elizabeth Bunton - Fillmore Elementary pre-K instructional assistant; Maggee Boyce - Central Elementary instructional assistant (effective Dec. 20); Lindsey Sprinkle - Central Elementary food service; and Chris Scott - assistant softball coach;

• Employment: Angie Miles - Central Elementary food service; Brittany Booher - Fillmore Elementary pre-K instructional assistant; Michael Ernest - part-time special needs bus driver; Lewis Smith - elementary school wrestling; and Maria Hand - assistant girls’ swimming coach.

Corporation Treasurer Hilarie Logan and Executive Secretary Erin Roach joined Smith, Cline and the rest of the board for the meeting.

The next regular meeting of the South Putnam School Board is set for Wednesday, Nov. 8 at 7 p.m. in the South Putnam MS/HS Learning Center.

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