Unveiling Bennington Way

Thursday, October 12, 2023
With engineer Brian Pohlar of HWC Engineering and son Bennett (far left and far right, respectively) holding it, Town Council President Brandon Tancak cuts a ribbon to officially open Bennington Way in Cloverdale Tuesday evening. Also present for the occasion are (left to right from Pohlar) Ralph Lee, Clerk-Treasurer Kelly Maners, Town Manager Jason Hartman, Deputy Clerk-Treasurer Rebekah Kelly, Councilman Scott Stierwalt, Greencastle/Putnam County Development Center Executive Director Kristin Clary and Town Council Vice President Brice Howell. The drive was deeded to the town last year by former joint owners Lee, McDonald’s/Jedele Enterprises and Days Inn, after which major structural and drainage issues were addressed. It is named after former town council member Gary Bennington.
Banner Graphic/BRAND SELVIA

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  • Drove on it the other day. Looks nice. Hope someday it's worth the millions spent on it.

    -- Posted by Ben Dover on Wed, Oct 18, 2023, at 11:54 AM
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