Area 30 amends school delay policy

Monday, October 16, 2023

Recognizing a need to simplify how delays are called for Area 30 Career Center, its interlocal board approved recently to amend its related policy.

The discussion revolved around three of Area 30’s sending schools issuing two-hour delays on Sept. 29, due to heavy fog that settled in the area. Area 30 followed suit and canceled morning classes, while Greencastle Schools and Cloverdale Schools continued.

Executive Director Chad Nunley provided the standing policy being to delay when the majority (i.e., three or more) of the sending schools do so. Students not traveling, in any case, to Area 30 in hazardous conditions was a considering factor.

“There’s always been that question, should we go ahead and delay because we still have 50 percent based on schools, not necessarily on students,” Nunley prefaced.

Nunley said it has been unusual for Cloverdale not to delay when South Putnam does, because of how close they are. Meanwhile, Supt. Wesley Hammond noted that Eminence currently has just one student who commutes to Area 30.

“If there were two that weren’t coming, I’d say keep it open,” Hammond said, “because those kids either stay home, or they come to school and you gotta find something for them to do.”

“It is a decent-sized group, so it does throw a wrench in things,” Supt. Jeff Gibboney said about Greencastle’s contingent of students. “Sometimes those situations don’t hit us (as much). We have some areas, but it’s not as vast.”

Saying he had no issue with how the issue was addressed, Nunley stipulated that how full Area 30 classes may be even with delay scenarios depends from year to year.

Taking its one student out of the equation, Hammond provided that Eminence will delay “most of the time” when Cloverdale and South Putnam do. The deciding consideration was busing students, which he said Eminence would not do out of the five schools.

With Gibboney making the motion, the board approved Area 30 being open for morning classes if two of the four Putnam County schools do not delay. Gibboney, though, advised “safety first” with students commuting.

“It’s a reasonable adjustment,” Interim North Putnam Supt. Carrie Milner commented after seconding the motion.

In other business:

• Nunley presented reports concerning student data that is reported to the state for career and technical education funding. Specifically, this tracks demographics as to enrollment in different courses.

Nunley and Asst. Director Sharon Bone relayed that the reports are “on track” with data from last school year, though some discrepancies need to be addressed. The reports are to be approved in November before their final submission to the state.

• As to personnel, the board approved the resignation of Chris McKarski as a part-time custodian and the hiring of Rena Emmerich in the same position. Leave under FMLA was also approved for Bone.

• Nunley announced that all of Area 30’s school buses passed inspections held on Sept. 26.

• Nunley informed the board about him and instructors Ruben Hinners and Charles Inman attending training as members of Area 30’s safety team last Thursday and Friday in Indianapolis. The training is through the Indiana School Safety Specialist Academy.

With Cloverdale Supt. Greg Linton absent, Treasurer Cindy Burnham joined Nunley, Bone, South Putnam Supt. Corey Smith and the rest of the board for the meeting.

The next regular meeting of the Area 30 Board is set for Tuesday, Nov. 14 at 9 a.m. in the Old National Trail conference room.

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