Surviving and Thriving

Thursday, October 19, 2023
With a goal in her business to “make women feel better in their own skin,” Brittany Overshiner (left) of Britt’s Blooming Boutique helps outfit six local breast cancer survivors with new outfits, along with hair styled by The Studio Suite. The six survivors were then featured in a fashion show at the Oct. 4 Think Pink event put on by Putnam County Hospital at Tiger Pointe Golf & Event Center. Those featured in the show include (from left) Lisa Miller, Suzane Harrison, Heather Gilbert, Becky Elkins, Leslie Phillips and Teresa Rice. Through the generosity of the PCH and Britt’s Blooming Boutique, each lady got to keep the outfit she modeled that evening.

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  • What about women/men that don't have breast cancer?? They might/would like a makeover too. All CANCERS are important!!!!

    -- Posted by cen98 on Sat, Oct 21, 2023, at 9:01 PM
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