Cybersecurity incident knocks out DePauw networks

Thursday, November 2, 2023
East College, DePauw University

DePauw University continues to deal with what university officials are calling a “cybersecurity incident” two days after it initially struck on Tuesday.

A university statement gave the following summary of the issue:

DePauw University was recently made aware of a cybersecurity incident impacting its network environment. We are currently working with a team of forensic experts to restore the system, and a comprehensive investigation is ongoing.

While these types of situations have become all-too-common nationwide, we recognize the significance of this event and have quickly taken the appropriate steps to address it. Unfortunately, these investigations can take time. Our comprehensive assessment is ongoing and may span several weeks.

DePauw is fully committed to the protection of student and employee information, systems security and data privacy. We apologize for the inconvenience and we will provide additional updates as appropriate.

Beyond a lack of internet and email access, DePauw students are unable to access payment services at this time, meaning tuition and financial aid payments are on hold.

Additionally, the deadline for course registration for the spring semester had been set for this week, but has been moved to Thursday, Nov. 16.

Classes have not been canceled in the wake of the incident.

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  • Liberal arts ..............Hacked...........

    -- Posted by 1armyvet on Thu, Nov 2, 2023, at 5:09 PM
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