City, university to host meeting on infrastructure planning grant

Thursday, November 2, 2023

The next step in a process that could net the community $25 million takes place on Thursday, Nov. 9.

The City of Greencastle and DePauw University are using a $250,000 planning grant awarded from the Lilly Endowment College and Community Collaboration Initiative to develop a plan to address infrastructure needs within the city of Greencastle related to housing, recreation, education and aesthetics.

The grant leadership team will host a Community Meeting on from 5:30-7 p.m. at Tzouanakis Intermediate School.

The planning grant will be used to develop a master plan for the corridor between DePauw and downtown Greencastle and possibly other areas of town. In the spring of 2024, the Lilly Endowment will be accepting applications for up to $25 million to support projects that result from these planning grants.

The meeting will be an interactive opportunity for community members to learn more about the proposed projects for the Lilly Endowment initiative and to provide input to help shape the grant application. Attendees will also learn more about the broader community master plan that is being created as part of the planning grant.

Members from the grant leadership team, AP Development, MKSK and Delv Design will be in attendance to present and answer questions. Light refreshments will be provided.

The planning phase of the grant will run through early winter when the submission of the final grant occurs.

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