LAST MINUTE MUSINGS: It’s all about people helping people

Wednesday, November 8, 2023
City Council candidates David Masten and Mark Hammer help a woman onto the sidewalk outside the Greencastle Armory polling place Tuesday morning.

There’s something to be said for small-town America.

As a lifelong resident of Williamsport, Crawfordsville or Greencastle, I think I know something about this.

Sure, there are plenty problems here, just like anywhere. But if on Tuesday morning I found myself in, say, Indianapolis, I don’t think I’d have witnessed what I did on the sidewalk in front of the Greencastle National Guard Armory this morning.

When two elderly women drove up with clear mobility issues, I took notice. So did a couple of city council candidates.

I walked over to see if I could help one of the ladies to her walker. Mark Hammer and David Masten did the same.

After a moment, I stepped back, knowing the citizens were in capable hands, and that I, there in this case as a photographer, had a perfect photo op.

Walkers were retrieved, and the ladies were helped to secure footing before proceeding. The watchful eyes of the candidates remained on them until they made their way through the west entrance, which does not actually have a ramp.

With this in mind, Mark kept his eye on the door. When the two women got ready to leave, he stopped them at the door and floated an idea to them. At that, they gave him their keys and proceeded to the east door, which can be accessed by ramp.

The veteran city councilman then drove the car around to the other entrance, where he and two more candidates, Vince Aguirre and Tina Nicholson, all helped them into the car so they could make their way home.

Why do I tell this story? Because that’s what small-town politics is and should be — people helping people.

This wasn’t about winning votes, but just being a helping hand when needed.

While I initially wrote this column before the polls closed, we now know the outcome of the election. All four of the candidates mentioned above are slated to serve as council members for the next four years. Having witnessed what I did, I take comfort in that.

However, I’m confident that no matter who ended up sitting around that table at City Hall, the same spirit of helpfulness would have come through during their time in office. When it comes to caring about this city, pretty much every candidate in this cycle had my trust.

I can safely say that any other combination of candidates would also have done what they could to help out their fellow citizens.

We’re going to be OK, Greencastle. Whoever you voted for on Tuesday (or before) cares about this city. Whoever ended up in office also cares and is going to do everything in his or her power to take care of it (and you) for the next four years.

You may not always agree with the way he or she does it, but that’s why we’ll do it all over again four years from now.

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  • Great article

    -- Posted by Nit on Wed, Nov 8, 2023, at 2:55 AM
  • yes it is

    -- Posted by beg on Wed, Nov 8, 2023, at 12:48 PM
  • Taking care of its own is, we feel, what small towns do best. Loving our neighbors...the Golden Rule. Connects matter!

    -- Posted by landmhurst on Thu, Nov 9, 2023, at 6:13 AM
  • *

    I love this article! This is something that is few and far in-between, when honestly it should be an automatic! Just makes my heart ❤ smile!

    -- Posted by kkelly46052 on Thu, Nov 9, 2023, at 7:12 AM
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