Scott Stierwalt retains Cloverdale council seat

Tuesday, November 7, 2023
Cloverdale Town Hall

A relative newcomer to the Cloverdale Town Council, Scott Stierwalt had the confidence of voters come Tuesday evening.

With 152 votes cast in the race for an at-large seat on the council, and also with him running as an independent, Stierwalt overcame Republican challenger Scott Wahl 82-70.

Saying that he was in a “shock spot” with the results, Stierwalt was quick to express thanks to those who came out in support of him in the election.

“I want to thank my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ,” Stierwalt adamantly said as to where the principal gratitude was. “I want to thank everyone who helped me throughout this whole process.”

Those people included wife Trina and community leaders Don Gedert and John Berry, as well as specifically mentioning Brian Montgomery. Each of them, he said, encouraged him to run and supported him with signage and other election requisites.

As to support from the community, he expressed thanks for those who showed out in the local election. That was accompanied by optimism for the future.

“I want to thank everyone who came out to vote for me and the people who stood behind me, especially as an independent,” Stierwalt said. “I’m excited for the next four years to push forward progress and moving forward with the town.”

Stierwalt related that he wants to continue to be hands on with the town’s functions, as well as build on being fiscally responsible. He added that he wants to serve the town’s youth in a greater capacity.

Apart from that, he said he wants to be close-knit and transparent with people in the town. He sought to reflect that in terms of the election.

“It means a lot from the heart, and I look forward to serving the community,” he concluded as such.

Meanwhile, Clerk-Treasurer Kelly Maners, Ward 1 Councilman Larry Fidler and Ward 2 Councilman Brice Howell stood unapposed in the election. Maners received 123 votes, while Fidler and Howell received 125 and 130 votes, respectively.

Maners has served as clerk-treasurer since mid-2020, when she replaced Cheryl Galloway.

Howell succeeded Rick Dearwester after he resigned from the council in 2022, while Fidler is a longtime member.

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