100-Plus Men support Recovery Raw

Monday, November 13, 2023
In the interest of serving recovery needs locally, the 100-Plus Men of Putnam County present a check for $11,400 to Recovery Raw. Those present include (from left) Nick Smith, Lexi Wainman, Emma Rippy, Taren Proctor, Chasity Bradford, Maddy Rippy, Eric Rippy, Todd Lewis, Page Cotton, Chuck Schroeder and Paul Jedele.
Courtesy photo

The 100-Plus Men Who Care of Putnam County recently awarded a check for $11,400 to Recovery Raw.

Eric Rippy of Recovery Raw spoke about the continued need for counseling and rehabilitation for Putnam County residents experiencing addiction. He was excited to share that the Putnam County Prosecutor’s Office approved a criminal diversion program with Recovery Raw beginning Aug. 1. He also updated the group on weekly attendance and noted that their children’s program is now up to 30 kids a week.

The donation from 100-Plus Men will be used for building renovations to house more meetings and events. It would also go to meals for the attendees and support resources for the individuals recovering from their addiction.

At an earlier meeting in the year, the Cloverdale Lions Club was awarded with a check for $11,400.

Dakota Lanham spoke to the members and explained the need for updated vision screening equipment and for a new camera that will enable the Lions Clubs of Putnam County to screen preschool-age children. The abilities of the photo-screening camera allow a screener to capture an image of the back of the eyes to detect potential abnormalities and damage to the eye that would otherwise go undetected.

This technology would provide instant eye screenings to children aged 18 months to six years old. The Lions would be able to provide these screenings at day cares, schools and community events.

Lanham also highlighted that the Cloverdale Lions Club, in coordination with the Bainbridge and Greencastle Lions Clubs, has been completing the state mandated vision screenings for third-, fifth- and eighth-grade students in all four of Putnam County’s school districts. The club is looking to purchase updated charts and equipment for those screenings, along with supplying each school building with a new set of charts.

Following the national model, 100-Plus Men meets four times a year to award impactful funds to Putnam County 501(c)(3) organizations. The remaining meeting for 2023 is scheduled to be during the evening of Nov. 15 at the Inn at DePauw.

Since its January 2016 debut, the group has awarded $416,000 to 26 different Putnam County charities and nonprofit organizations, 100-Plus Men Chairman Mike Harmless said. In addition to the quarterly grants, the group also has created a community grants endowment at the Putnam County Community Foundation that will provide more than $4,000 a year for the Foundation to utilize in their community grantmaking process, and it has already provided more than $15,000 since its inception.

The 100-Plus Men of Putnam County was created based on two principles: There were men who wanted to give back to the community but lacked the time to do fundraising or serve on boards, and the process needed to be fun and easy.

Interested men can visit the organization’s website at www.100plusmen.com for general information.

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