DePauw takes part in Brazilian film festival

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

The 14th edition of MOSTRA, the largest Brazilian film festival in the Midwest, will include one film screened at DePauw on Tuesday, Nov. 14.

The documentary “Biocêntricos” asks, “How would you reinvent a part of your world using nature as a model?” The film explores how nature’s time-tested patterns and strategies can serve as models for sustainable human technologies and designs.

The feature will be screened at 6 p.m. at Watson Forum in the Pulliam Center for Contemporary Media, 609 S. Locust St.

The film will be preceded by a 5:30 p.m. reception and followed by a question-and-answer period with Jorge Saad Jafet, executive producer and cowriter, as well as journalist Luiz Costa Pereira Jr. The discussion will be mediated by Assistant Professor of Sociology José Pérez Reisler.

MOSTRA XIV was brought to Greencastle and DePauw for the first time by the Latin American and Caribbean Studies program. This event is cosponsored by CLC (Committee for Latinx Concerns), the Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Education Studies, the Janet Prindle Institute of Ethics, and the Creative School.

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