RDC learns wellness center goal remains December 2024

Monday, December 4, 2023

First it was a wet spring and standing water that wouldn’t go away that plagued the $28 million Greencastle Wellness Center/YMCA project.

Now it’s the advent of winter and cold weather that’s poised to add another $175,000 cost to the project via a change order addressing weather conditions.

The thought of it left Greencastle Redevelopment Commission (RDC) members confused and frustrated at their recent meeting.

RDC member Gwen Morris wanted to know why the cost wasn’t included in the original bill. City Attorney Laurie Hardwick noted that the commission had previously approved a “sizable change order” due to weather issues wondering, “Why would we pay more because it got cold outside?”

Ross Warner of Tonn and Blank Construction, Indianapolis, said the issue is remobilizing earthwork contractors after breakdowns due to weather conditions.

“Is this money we’ll spend whether it’s a mild winter or not?” RDC member Stacie Langdon asked.

“If the winter is mild, the cost would be less. If it’s harsh, it will be more,” answered Warner, who was communicating with the RDC via Zoom connection.

The wellness center roof will likely be installed in late February or early March, he noted. The change order breaks down how many months at a certain rate it’s going to take, Warner said, noting that no costs have yet been incurred.

Incredulously, City Attorney Hardwick commented, “I don’t know that we’ve ever been asked to pay for the worst-case scenario before it’s happened.”

Warner responded by saying the city wasn’t being asked to pay now but the change order would set up the process in case it were needed.

RDC Chairman Erika Gilmore noted that the issue was anticipated but the RDC did not like any of three options previously presented and suggested it needed more information to decide the proper course of action.

Warner said the majority of the winter costs come from masonry work. If the work had been done in the summer, he said, evoking Catch-22 thoughts, the winter costs could have been avoided.

“So we’re paying more from that delay because we couldn’t get rid of the water,” RDC member Brian Cox reasoned, noting that the lingering water issue resulted in the firing of one firm involved with the work.

Mayor Bill Dory reminded the group that “there wasn’t any red flag when we made the selection.”

“If we don’t approve this tonight, will it slow down the process?” Cox asked of Warner, receiving “no” for an answer.

With that, Morris made the motion to table change order 13, which passed the commission unanimously.

Earlier in the one-hour meeting, the RDC also tabled change order 12 which asked for an additional $134,864 in additional costs.

The added costs come from athletic flooring and a couple of doors that were accidentally removed during approval of change order 6, Warner said.

The contractors are “unsure how it happened but it didn’t impact the schedule by any means,” Warner noted.

“As far as the floor and two doors we’re OK approving this,” Mayor Dory suggested, since no bidders addressed those items in the first bidding go-around. Another similar scenario, involving the sauna at the facility, is expected to be forthcoming. “A number of things had allowances because we didn’t have any bidders on them,” the mayor explained.

Warner said $588,509 was included as an allowance.

Saying she was confused, City Attorney Hardwick suggested the board table change order 12 and ask for a written explanation of it and any else that’s outstanding.

“I’m only aware of landscaping and the sauna,” Warner said, noting that nobody bid on those elements of the work.

Chairman Gilmore asked that the RDC be provided with “a more detailed written explanation and bullet point list.” Member Gary Lemon made the motion to that effect and the RDC voted unanimously to table changer order 12 as well.

In addition to RDC members Gilmore, Morris, Lemon, Cox and Langdon, Mayor Dory and City Attorney Hardwick, Clerk-Treasurer/Mayor-elect Lynda Dunbar and City Council President Mark Hammer were also in attendance.

The RDC will next meet at City Hall at 5:30 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 20, a week earlier due to the holidays.

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  • Time to table the entire project. With Hendricks Health coming to town in a big way, this looks like a colossal boondoggle. And of course, no pool, which seemed like one of the community's primary needs.

    -- Posted by Bob Fensterheim on Sat, Dec 9, 2023, at 4:56 PM
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