PIC OF THE DAY: On the Road Again

Monday, December 11, 2023
For the first time in more than eight months, two-way traffic has legally resumed on Bloomington Street in Greencastle. Crews performing work on the portion of the U.S. 231 resurfacing project between Veterans Highway and Washington Street completed their work on Friday evening. The reopening of the southbound lane brings this portion of the work to a close, though the U.S. 231 project could cause even bigger headaches in 2024, as both the Washington Street and Jackson Street portions will undergo major work, including water line replacement beneath the pavement. On Monday, crews were performing strip patching to provide temporary repairs for the winter on both Washington and Jackson, work that was set to continue at least into Tuesday.

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  • I was wondering why they left roughly 50 feet of much worn and rough pavement on Bloomington at the Washington Junction?

    -- Posted by Alfred E. on Mon, Dec 11, 2023, at 4:05 PM
  • I hope the contractor is pressured into doing a better job next year. I guess there was no incentive built into the contract for the Bloomington Street portion.

    -- Posted by Ben Dover on Wed, Dec 13, 2023, at 10:55 AM
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