Smith reports on South Putnam project progress

Saturday, December 16, 2023
Corey Smith

Speaking at the school board’s regular meeting, Supt. Corey Smith reported on progress made with South Putnam’s anticipated improvement project.

Smith first said that $12.7 million in bonds for the project were successfully sold on Monday, Dec. 4. He noted the “good news” being market rates dropping at the time of the sale, as well as having an interest rate of nearly 3.6 percent.

The latter was down from the projected runs which were set at five percent. Otherwise, the funds will cover the project through next fall, after which the remaining bonds will be sold.

The approximate $20-million project includes items such as a new auxiliary gymnasium at South Putnam Middle/High School, roof replacements there and at Central Elementary School and updates overall to the former’s athletic facilities.

As official business, the board approved a formal agreement with Fanning Howey and Michael Kinder & Sons (MKS) as the project’s architect firm and construction manager, respectively. This comes as the project’s scope has been determined over the last several months.

“Fanning Howey has been a fantastic partner in this project,” Smith said in his remarks. “We look forward to a great working relationship as we continue to move through the project phases.”

As such, Smith stated that the scope and design have been separated into three design “packages.”

These are to be through a schematic design phase and ready for review on Friday. The next phase will be design development for more complete and accurate drawings and estimates. The roof and football field elements will be through the latter stage soon, while the main project’s portion is to be through Feb. 15.

Finally, the packages will go through the construction document stage, with the football field and roofs expected by the end of January. The main portion, meanwhile, is expected by mid-May.

“It’s exciting times,” Smith summed up. “We’ve done a lot of work, a lot of coordination meetings. It’s been a great process.”

In other business:

• The board approved South Putnam’s proposed academic calendar for the 2024-25 school year. Smith reported that since discussion on it last month, the calendar had been vetted by administrators and South Putnam’s teachers association.

• The board approved a memorandum of understanding with Cloverdale Schools to share an elementary school counselor. The counselor will split their time between both corporations, in which both will split their compensation. The Cloverdale School Board approved the same document on Monday.

To a question from board member Wade Fanning about the partnership over a part-time counselor, Smith said it would not be an immediate strain on the budget, allowing the corporation to “walk it out” with having one at half-cost.

• The board approved a quote from Signworks for installing new ADA-compliant room signs at the middle/high school. The move is part of an effort over the last summer to re-number rooms to improve coordination with first responders.

South Putnam MS/HS Principal Tona Gardner noted that the signs currently in place would not have to be replaced. The new signs, however, will have sliders in which teacher and department information can be changed easily.

In his regular remarks, Smith also reported that a request for new traffic additions at the entrances to the main campus on U.S. 40 and U.S. 231 was recently approved. The aim is to mitigate safety with substantial traffic at the beginning and end of school days.

Smith said the request was brought to the county’s road safety action plan stakeholder group, which includes representatives from the Indiana Department of Transportation. The additions will include reduced speeds and signage with flashers, which are to be installed in the next few months.

The board also recognized South Putnam’s Students of the Month: Lila Williams (Central Elementary), Bryer Buttery (Fillmore Elementary), Christopher Bucy (South Putnam Middle School) and Abby Harton (South Putnam High School).

The board approved the following personnel report:

• Resignation: Jamie Shonk - Central Elementary food services;

• Employment: Kinzee Wilson - Central Elementary third-grade teacher (filling maternity leave for Josie Hacker); Rebecca Gray - Central Elementary food services; Jill McCammack - Fillmore Elementary Student Council sponsor; Seth Ballinger - MS/HS lead custodian/maintenance assistant; Andrew York - MS/HS math teacher; Elaine Bye - middle school swim coach; Kenny Wells - high school head softball coach; Caleb Justice - assistant football coach; and Anna Kendall - lifeguard coordinator.

Corporation Treasurer Hilarie Logan and Executive Secretary Erin Roach joined Smith and the entire board for the meeting.

The next regular meeting of the South Putnam School Board is set for Wednesday, Jan. 17 at 6 p.m. in the South Putnam MS/HS Learning Center.


• The school board’s next regular meeting was mistakenly reported to be on Jan. 10 at 7 p.m. It is actually set for Wednesday, Jan. 17 at 6 p.m., one week later and an hour earlier than usual.

• In an item regarding South Putnam’s memorandum of understanding to share an elementary counselor with Cloverdale Schools, a question was misattributed to board member Lee Cline. Fellow board member Wade Fanning actually made the query.

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