Beau Baird announces re-election campaign for fourth term

Wednesday, January 10, 2024
Beau Baird

State Rep. Beau Baird (R-Greencastle) has announced his candidacy for a fourth term in the Indiana General Assembly, representing House District 44.

This district encompasses all of Putnam County and the majority of Montgomery County.

“I am honored to have served the people of House District 44 for the past five years, and I am eager to continue our work together,” Baird said. “From defending our constitutional rights to protecting the sanctity of life and ensuring the safety and well-being of our community, I remain committed to being a tireless advocate for the values that matter most to the people I represent.”

Touting a “record of achievement” and being “a steadfast advocate for the people of House District 44,” Baird noted his commitment to Republican principles, emphasizing the values of individual rights, fiscal responsibility and community well-being.

He also noted an “unwavering support for the Second Amendment,” defending citizens’ right to bear arms, voting twice in support of constitutional carry. In 2022, this contributed to the passage of constitutional carry, “ensuring the protection and preservation of Hoosiers’ fundamental rights.”

Baird also noted his commitment to protecting the community when waste from East Palestine, Ohio, was being sent to the Heritage Environmental Landfill in Russell Township, working collaboratively with both state and federal agencies to halt the shipment of materials until thorough testing could be conducted. These efforts also led to appropriation in the state budget to conduct comprehensive water testing in the affected area.

Baird serves on the Ways and Means Committee, where he helps shape fiscal policies for Hoosiers. Additionally, he serves as the vice chairman of the House Agricultural Committee, championing the interests of farmers and promoting policies that support the agricultural community.

Key achievements listed in his re-election announcement include:

1. Protecting Individual Rights and Jobs:

- Strengthened COVID-19 vaccine exemptions to safeguard employees from unfair termination.

- Successfully ended Indiana’s state of emergency while ensuring vital services and programs continue.

2. Returning Money to Taxpayers, Maintaining Fiscal Integrity:

- Delivered direct relief by reducing Indiana’s individual income tax, benefiting working Hoosiers.

- Utilized reserves for a substantial one-time payment toward pre-1996 teacher pension obligations.

- Lowered utility bills by repealing the Utility Receipts Tax.

3. Supporting Hoosier Nurses and Addressing Healthcare Worker Shortage:

- Boosted the healthcare workforce pipeline, providing flexibility for nurses in licensure.

- Supported nursing programs and educators to meet workforce needs.

- Assisted nursing students in obtaining required hours for licensure.

4. Boosting Local Public Safety Efforts:

- Provided judicial flexibility for sending felony offenders to the Indiana Department of Correction, addressing jail overcrowding.

5. Highlights in Fiscal Responsibility and Education:

- Maintained a responsible, balanced state budget with healthy reserves and a AAA credit rating.

- Significantly invested in new K-12 funding over the biennium.

- Took actions to protect youth, promote school safety, and reduce the infant mortality rate.

- Strengthened the commitment to students and teachers, attracting and retaining Hoosier teachers.

- Aligned and promoted workforce initiatives, encouraging early and continuing career exploration and navigation.

Baird looks forward to continuing is service and building on the foundation of success laid out over his previous terms.