UDPATE: Family of deceased man located

Friday, January 12, 2024

UPDATE: The Putnam County Coroner's Office reports that the next of kin of Daniel Asa Pridemore has been located.

The Putnam County Coroner’s Office is requesting the public’s help locating the next of kin for Daniel Asa Pridemore (date of birth March 9, 1992), a 31-year-old male who was residing at 800 N. Madison St.

Pridemore died at Putnam County Hospital on Thursday, Jan. 11.

It is believed that Pridemore had moved from Florida. He had been working at the Greencastle McDonald’s.

The coroner’s office is needing to contact any known family members of Pridemore. Local officials will also be reaching out to authorities in Florida.

Anyone with information on Pridemore’s next of kin is asked to call or text the Putnam County Coroner’s Office at 317-919-5210.

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  • Yes it was...he was my nephew..he had life threatening asthma and they were more worried about him feeling out papers

    -- Posted by Sadrien14 on Fri, Jan 12, 2024, at 8:58 PM
  • Yes that sounds like that was the young man u talking of can u please give me some more info on him and the situation I live in fl and I'm really lost he was not only my son but my best friend we had a falling out a few back and I hadn't spoken to him in a while and now I hear his health had been horrible please help me find answers

    -- Posted by Tarapridemore187 on Fri, Jan 12, 2024, at 10:30 PM
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