Public forum Wednesday will explore possibility of adding pool to YMCA

Friday, January 12, 2024

Lynda Dunbar dropped her first Mayor’s Report at the January Greencastle City Council meeting Thursday night. And it was a bombshell.

Mayor Dunbar announced that a community forum has been scheduled for 5:30-7 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 17 at the Inn at DePauw, 2 W. Seminary St., for the purpose of exploring the possibility of including a pool at the new Putnam County YMCA.

A pool at the YMCA -- currently under construction off the southern extension of Calbert Way, just east of the Walmart Supercenter on the city’s East Side -- was dismissed early in the planning stages as too expensive to put in and too costly to maintain.

Greencastle Mayor Lynda Dunbar conducts her first meeting as the city's chief executive Thursday night.
Banner Graphic/ERIC BERNSEE

However, Dunbar revealed that there is a “grant opportunity we’re working on” for funding construction, adding that creation of an endowment could cover maintenance costs.

The grant leadership team from the city of Greencastle and DePauw University has identified incorporation of an indoor pool into the Putnam County YMCA facility as one of the projects that may be included in the Lilly Endowment grant proposal.

The city and DePauw are using a $250,000 planning grant awarded from the Lilly Endowment College and Community Collaboration Initiative to develop a plan to address infrastructure needs within the city of Greencastle related to housing, recreation, education and aesthetics. In the spring, the Lilly Endowment will be accepting applications for up to $25 million to support projects that result from these planning grants.

The meeting will be an open house format. Attendees may drop by at any time during the event to interact with Elevatus Architecture, who will guide conversations and receive feedback.

“There’s been a lot of talk about people wanting a pool (at the YMCA). Here’s your opportunity to do something about that,” Dunbar said, looking for feedback from the public on the idea.

The planning phase of the Lilly grant will run through early winter when the submission of the final grant occurs.

Members of the City Council, convening for the first time after seeing four personnel changes in the aftermath of the November election, appeared to embrace the pool possibility.

“That’s good news about the pool,” First Ward Councilman David Masten, returning to the Council after a 24-year hiatus, offered.

Overall, Mayor Dunbar said things have been going well since her ascension from clerk-treasurer to mayor.

“My first 11 days have gone really well,” she said. “People have been very supportive. I so appreciate that.”

Dunbar also offered some good news about the second phase of the U.S. 231 project which the Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT) will begin in the spring.

The mayor will meet with INDOT officials on Tuesday “to start discussion on the lovely 231 project” and when and where the contractor, Rieth-Riley Construction, will start road work that will wind its way through the downtown.

The good news is that INDOT has assured the mayor that work will not begin on the 231 section from Bloomington Street to Frazier Street on the north side until some time after the April 8 solar eclipse and the predicted impact it will likely have on travel in central Indiana that day.

“They said they wouldn’t even put out the barricades” until after the eclipse, Dunbar told the Council.

“I think they (INDOT) learned a lot in doing Bloomington Street,” she said, adding that she doesn’t expect to see frustrating delays like those experienced last summer.

Meanwhile, in the major discussion of the night, the Council voted to table the proposed UTV Ordinance (2023-7) on second reading for the second time in two months. A complete story on that issue will be included later.

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  • She's already making a positive difference. Even if the pool doesn't happen, it won't be for a lack of trying. The attempt to get something the community wants and needs, particularly given the enormous expense the taxpayers are bearing, is gratifying and commendable.

    -- Posted by Bob Fensterheim on Fri, Jan 12, 2024, at 5:38 PM
  • I hope they have a pool. I go to Crawfordsville right now because they have a pool but I will join the Y silver sneaker program. Swimming is so good for those of us who have arthritis. I belonged to the Y in Marion Indiana and my mom goes to the Kokomo Y. There isn’t any other pool option in Greencastle except in the Summer. Please get a pool. Swimming is a sport that you can do for the rest of your life.

    -- Posted by Margaret1976! on Fri, Jan 12, 2024, at 6:33 PM
  • You have to wonder about the impact on the city pool in the park. I think it would likely be the end of that...

    -- Posted by Snowman1955 on Sat, Jan 13, 2024, at 7:23 AM
  • Snowman - Hendricks YMCA has a pool and yet the Danville Park Pool does a booming business.

    -- Posted by Alfred E. on Sat, Jan 13, 2024, at 7:40 AM
  • Finally, someone hears the community.

    -- Posted by Nurse4life!! on Sat, Jan 13, 2024, at 8:03 AM
  • Speaking of aesthetics, can we pass an ordinance banning businesses from using their signs to write weekly bad jokes and patronizing messages? Servicemaster and Headleys are the worst about it. That would be great.

    I'm not talking about the vet clinic on Jackson street, they're doing it right. Meowy Woofmas and Horsey Moo Year??? That's gold! That's how you do it!

    -- Posted by Raker on Sat, Jan 13, 2024, at 8:23 AM
  • hmmmm

    -- Posted by beg on Sat, Jan 13, 2024, at 9:03 AM
  • The same Constitutional Right that allows you to post comments (anonymously) like that extends to business owners as well. (Except with their signs being in front of the respective businesses, you know who they are.) If you don't like their signs, don't shop there, you have choices, go somewhere else, or even go out of town.

    -- Posted by Charlie7 on Sat, Jan 13, 2024, at 9:31 AM
  • I happen to appreciate a bad joke now and then, particularly if it is about, well, you know, flatulence.

    -- Posted by Bob Fensterheim on Sat, Jan 13, 2024, at 11:10 AM
  • Mayor Dunbar's first report was a slam-dunk! It so hearting to read the positive news about the YMCA pool, which would become a major asset to the G'castle community. 2024 is starting to be a very encouraging year so far, thanks to the mayor and council members.

    -- Posted by somethingtotalkabout on Sat, Jan 13, 2024, at 12:13 PM
  • Raker: That sign you mention is no longer associated with the Servicemaster franchise that is why the sign no longer says Servicemaster. Please do not cast shade on Tyler and Danielle at Servicemaster who do a great job and do not need that sort of bad press!

    -- Posted by scottdaledunbar on Sat, Jan 13, 2024, at 7:39 PM
  • You're right, but the fact is that across from Mcdonald's there's a sign that for many, many years said Servicemaster on it and had the same weekly crap on it that it does now. The fact that the person who's doing that sign has nothing to do with servicemaster anymore is news to me.

    -- Posted by Raker on Sat, Jan 13, 2024, at 9:22 PM
  • hmmmm

    -- Posted by beg on Sun, Jan 14, 2024, at 12:09 AM
  • Our resident troll trying to bypass the first amendment “but we not for things I don’t like”. Classic.

    -- Posted by techphcy on Sun, Jan 14, 2024, at 6:53 AM
  • Great job Linda. My husband and I, have always enjoyed the bit of humor posted on the sign across from McDonald’s. If you don’t enjoy it don’t read it!!! It sounds like you need to lighten up and enjoy a daily dose of cheer.

    -- Posted by Nurse4life!! on Sun, Jan 14, 2024, at 9:52 AM
  • The signs are a serious issue. It's like a contagious virus that spreads through town. You'll see Dairy Castle and other businesses get infected from time to time, and your suddenly bombarded with 4-5 of these "look how great and clever I am" signs. Symptoms include shameless telling of bad or tasteless jokes, being up your own rear, and seeing oneself as a wise "leader" because you started a business and therefore need a sign to constantly share with the public your opinions, advice, how great you think you are, and just general commands like "make sure you enjoy this good weather!"

    I'm pretty sure it started with the old Collins Evans real estate office sign. The plain egotism of that one was on another level. I've been around different places in Indiana and seen a lot of signs, but that one was the worst I've seen. I remember when it got torn down, I bet someone finally had enough one day and drove their car through it. When they replaced it they got rid of the message-writing part, thank God.

    -- Posted by Raker on Sun, Jan 14, 2024, at 11:21 AM
  • While I think an indoor pool would be an excellent asset to the city, Hendricks county population in 2023 was 183590 and growing. Putnam county population in 2023 was 36354 and declining. I'm not sure the comparison with Danville works. Snowman has a point that should be considered.

    -- Posted by Johnny M Coy on Sun, Jan 14, 2024, at 3:38 PM
  • hmmmm

    -- Posted by beg on Sun, Jan 14, 2024, at 4:08 PM
  • I don't think an indoor pool at the Y will have much effect on the outdoor city pool.

    -- Posted by unbiased on Sun, Jan 14, 2024, at 5:18 PM
  • I think you will see a different group use the YMCA pool. It will be for lap swimming, lessons, exercise vs the park pool is all about summer fun. People will want to go swimming at the park pool for the sun. Honestly I was completely against a membership to the YMCA because of not having a pool, guess I am back in now.

    Raker - If you don't like the signs, don't read them or move to another town. You must be one of those far right winged conservative that believes you are the only one who has 1st amendment rights.

    -- Posted by putnamcountyperson on Sun, Jan 14, 2024, at 5:47 PM
  • Raker would be a ton of fun at parties, if anyone ever invited them.

    -- Posted by techphcy on Sun, Jan 14, 2024, at 6:13 PM
  • Putnamcountyperson you're right, I need to stop making such a big deal about it. In fact, I think I'm gonna get one of those white light-up letterboard signs with the arrow on it and put it in my front yard, and then I'll write my very own weekly jokes and words of wisdom. I too will share my wit and brilliance with anyone who happens to even glance at it! Everyone will love it and be so grateful! Why aren't we all doing this already? What a great idea this is that I just came up with! I'm a freaking genius! On second thought... no, I'm never doing that.

    -- Posted by Raker on Sun, Jan 14, 2024, at 6:41 PM
  • I'm with TECHPHCY when it comes to RAKER! He'd be a riot at any party. Always enjoy his comments.

    RAKER, PLEASE put up your own letterboard sign! I've always enjoyed your humor.

    PUTNAMCOUNTYPERSON, maybe you should think about moving. And by the way, before you continue bashing RAKER about being a conservative right-winger who wants to deny everyone their rights, let me point out that in the past, Raker has openly expressed in this comment section a desire for America to become a socialist democracy, with price and wage controls, as well as other strong left-wing views. So much for Raker being a conservative.

    The pool is a great idea.

    -- Posted by Prince of Stardust Hills on Sun, Jan 14, 2024, at 7:23 PM
  • “a desire for America to become a socialist democracy, with price and wage controls”

    That smells a lot like the farm bill that Rep Baird likes to tout, cosponsor, and vote for.

    -- Posted by Koios on Mon, Jan 15, 2024, at 8:56 AM
  • hmmmm

    -- Posted by beg on Mon, Jan 15, 2024, at 10:47 AM
  • Will adding a pool also add to membership fees? To maintain a pool (chemicals alone) is costly during summer months, but year round…I can’t imagine. Although many will say, it doesn’t matter, the fees will be worth it; how many will be left out if fees are out of their budget range? I realize fees haven’t been set yet. I’m just thinking out loud.

    -- Posted by kbmom on Mon, Jan 15, 2024, at 11:14 AM
  • kbmom; thinking out loud is good , hopefully someone will supply some answers. Personally I will not be purchasing a membership so it is of little concern to me but I'm sure there are many who would like an answer. Will there be teared memberships - Greencastle residents one price, Putnam County residents another? Will the YMCA require tax dollars to stay in business? Everyone likes the ideal of a Ymca, most like the ideal of a Pool but will it be self supporting? All questions that should be addressed prior to building the center.

    -- Posted by Alfred E. on Mon, Jan 15, 2024, at 3:22 PM
  • *

    A pool is a very good idea.

    And I don't believe it will take anything away from the park pool, if managed properly.

    And I agree with ol' Margie up thread that swimming is terrific exercise for older folk or people that may have other health problems that make the low impact of water exercise such a good option.

    Raker, I am sorry to hear you are having it so rough, man. And then to be labeled as a right-winger... talk about being kicked when down. Don't worry, bud...I still believe you're a leftist nutjob bent on destroying America. :)

    For reals though...I do agree those kinds of sign are kitsch.

    -- Posted by dreadpirateroberts on Mon, Jan 15, 2024, at 8:10 PM
  • hmmmm hmmmm

    -- Posted by Raker on Tue, Jan 16, 2024, at 8:12 PM
  • If they take away the clever sign at my business, I’ll be forced to start a church instead.

    -- Posted by techphcy on Wed, Jan 17, 2024, at 12:10 AM
  • Raker- please put your own sign!! It’s could read… I hate these signs, now get off my lawn…

    Stardust hills— an extremist is still an extremist, doesn’t matter in what direction it is.

    -- Posted by putnamcountyperson on Wed, Jan 17, 2024, at 8:46 PM
  • Speaking of extremists, sometimes I get this feeling about republicans that makes me think of Neo at the end of the first Matrix movie, where he's being attacked by the three agents. Just before he's defeated, he realizes that he's in a computer VR simulation and is able to see the program code. He suddenly starts blocking their attacks with no effort, because now he can see what they're going to do before they do it. So he's just standing there blocking all their punches and kicks while his mind is elsewhere, thinking about what to make for dinner or something, because he knows it's not real. These conservatives with their abusive personalities, always thinking that they're such great liars and schemers. It's so easy to see through it these days that I almost feel sorry for them.

    -- Posted by Raker on Wed, Jan 17, 2024, at 11:25 PM
  • Just think the power of your words if you applied the standard to all people rather than those you disagree with politically.

    I get it as many are blinded to the negative behavior of those they agree with.

    If you changed the filter to behavior rather than political beliefs, the message would be so powerful

    -- Posted by beg on Thu, Jan 18, 2024, at 9:16 AM
  • 1st amendment in the way again.

    Somebody call a wambulance.


    -- Posted by direstraits on Thu, Jan 18, 2024, at 9:17 AM
  • The difference between me and con-servatives is that I jokingly made a suggestion about banning the signs because I dislike their humor, their tone, and their occasional insults and right wing/authoritarian propaganda. I know that it will never happen. On the other hand, GOP are out here banning books, re-writing and hiding history, taking women's and lgbtq rights away, lying through their teeth every day, and I'm the snowflake? Have you even heard Trump lately, the leader of your party, whining every time he opens his mouth? But we already know you'll still vote for him, the biggest, most crooked snowflake of all time!

    -- Posted by Raker on Thu, Jan 18, 2024, at 10:00 AM
  • Another completely enjoyable rant by RAKER! With seven subject comments so far, he has mentioned or addressed LGBTQ rights, women's rights, book banning by the GOP, right-wing/authoritarian propaganda, GOP rewriting and hiding of history, GOP lying, Trump's infidelity to RAKER's standards, the Matrix movie, his sympathy for Neo, his dislike for signs at Dairy Castle, Collins Evans realty office, Servicemaster, MacDonald's, the vet clinic on Jackson Street, people trying to start a business, people wishing him a good day, and threatened to put up his own letterboard sign.

    You just have to love RAKER's energy!

    I wonder how he feels about the possibility of adding a pool to the YMCA?

    -- Posted by Prince of Stardust Hills on Thu, Jan 18, 2024, at 11:06 AM
  • Prince of Stardust Hills stop it, you're making me blush! Just FYI I'm not looking for any romantic partners at this time.

    Right now I feel indifferent to the pool, something that may or may not be open a few years from now. I was already resigned to the idea that the ymca would basically be a senior citizen doctor's office with an attached activity center.

    -- Posted by Raker on Thu, Jan 18, 2024, at 11:50 AM
  • RAKER, you need your own blog! I always get a chuckle from your comments. Don't stop!

    -- Posted by Prince of Stardust Hills on Thu, Jan 18, 2024, at 11:55 AM
  • I understand you miss the point as your filter is political perspective. Mine is behavior perspective.

    My guess is you aren't against the behaviors you are ranting against. You are against it when it is in opposition of your perspectives.

    Reminds me of something I have learned during my time visiting Capital Hill- Definition of big government is spending on things I disagree with. In essence, all believe in big government.

    All perspectives practice what you rail against. We have 2 examples just this week of "censorship" with the SSLLSC media.

    History Lesson- your political philosophy hero- FDR- put innocent citizens of the US in internment camps based on race and nationality. That is not words but real action!!! Yet,FDR is still revered by those who use that political perspective as their filter. Reality is, all should strongly condemn the awfulness of such behavior. Puts him right on the same level of our other political heroes of the past that we point out their wrong behavior.

    You do need your own blog. Monetize it, and become an influencer!

    -- Posted by beg on Thu, Jan 18, 2024, at 12:20 PM
  • History lesson. Herbert Hoover would most likely have enacted a similar policy in response to our country being attacked. Remember our governments response to 9/11? A lot of parallels there.

    -- Posted by Koios on Fri, Jan 19, 2024, at 10:16 AM
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