Create Hope in the World

Saturday, February 3, 2024
With a speech focused on the 2023-24 Rotary International theme “Create Hope in the World,” North Putnam senior Chloe Livingston celebrates her first-place finish in the annual Greencastle Rotary Club speech contest on Wednesday. Second place in the competition was Emily Gray of Greencastle, while third place was Keaton Chew of South Putnam. Local high school students taking part in the contest include (front, from left) Sierra Kelley of Cloverdale, Chew, Livingston, Gray and Grace Long of Greencastle. Rotarians playing a role in the event include (back) contest organizer Sarah Stone; judges Ken Eitel, Jacqui Ellis and Crystal Fortner; and club president Scott Monnett. Livingston will move on to represent the local club in the District 6560 speech contest.

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