Bailey Brickert to battle on as hurdler at Marian University

Monday, February 5, 2024
South Putnam senior Bailey Brickert (second left) recently signed to continue her track and field career with Marian University beginning in the 2024-25 school year. With Brickert for the signing were (left to right) mother Crystal, father Kevin, sister Chloe, (back row) South Putnam girls’ track and field head coach Brandon Welti, assistant coaches Savannah Clark and Heath Pruitt and physical education teacher Chuck Sorrell.
Courtesy photo

It wasn’t quite according to the timeline Bailey Brickert had set for herself but the South Putnam senior will not need to worry about future plans during the upcoming track and field season.

Brickert recently signed to continue her track days with Marian University beginning in the fall of the 2024-25 school year, a decision the Eagle hurdler said came about thanks to the school’s strong medical program.

“(Marian) has a really good nursing program compared to the other schools I was looking at,” Brickert said. “When I went there on my visit, it felt like the fit for me.”

“I like how the campus doesn’t feel like your in Indy and there’s a lot of school life. The campus is just pretty in general.

“I want to go into (obsterics) nursing, so labor, delivery, postpartum moms and things like that,” Brickert added about what her field of study would be.

Brickert, who has been a regional qualifier in the 100-meter hurdles all three years at South Putnam, said the Knight coaches saw her as one to watch as her time at Marian went on.

“The coaches see me more as the runner that they will get me to after being there for four years with the potential I still have to grow into the events and into their team,” Brickert noted. “I’ve heard the team has been pretty good over the past few years, as well as a lot of resources, so it will be easier for me to progress.

“I don’t know anyone on the team currently but I have been meeting them through group messaging.”

Balancing a closer to full-year track setup with schooling would provide a challenge but Brickert said she was up for the test.

“Athletics will be different because we will start practicing for the upcoming season the week after we start school in August as opposed to February,” Brickert said. “It’s going to be a lot more mentally and physically challenging but, at the same time, I feel like I will be better getting into both the indoor and outdoor seasons.

“Academically, it will be a challenge until I get on my little, steady pace and find my healthy balance between both it and athletics. Socially, it will be a lot different.

“High school was so easy to meet people and make friends; in college, you’re going to be meeting people from all around, not just the surrounding area,” Brickert added.

Though the senior had hoped to have wrapped up her school decision earlier, she was eager to get started next year at Marian.

“It’s a big relief,” Brickert said. “My goal was to try to sign before the new year, so I was set, done and knew where I was going and got everything situated and could reach out to my coaches more.

“I don’t have to balance that while dealing with track this year. I’m so excited to start next year and can’t wait for the new opportunities, including being a college athlete.”

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  • Good luck, young Lady. Fine school, great future profession.

    -- Posted by Bob Fensterheim on Tue, Feb 6, 2024, at 6:22 PM
  • Good Luck and Great job !!!

    -- Posted by bj dorsett on Thu, Feb 8, 2024, at 2:46 PM
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