Give Kids a Smile Program a great success

Monday, February 12, 2024
Attending to one of the Putnam County area participants in the National ADA Give Kids a Smile Day Program for the 20th year of the event, Dr. John Hennette of Greencastle Pediatric Dentistry is able to provide needed dental care to several children Thursday. Eligible children received or will continue to receive all necessary dental care to achieve as healthy a mouth and smile as possible upon subsequent visits. Dr. Hennette extends thank yous to administrative staffs and school nurses at South Putnam and Greencastle schools that allowed his office to provide dental screenings to the kindergarten and first grades as well as any individual child the nursing staffs felt could use a screening or exam for specific dental issues. Some children had not had any previous dental experiences.
Courtesy photo

To the Editor:

On Thursday, Feb. 8, Greencastle Pediatric Dentistry was able to provide needed dental care to several children in the Putnam County area. We participated as part of the National ADA Give Kids a Smile Day. These eligible children received or will continue to receive all the necessary dental care to achieve as healthy a mouth and smile as possible upon subsequent visits.

The 20th year of this event was possible through the efforts and hard work of several groups and individuals. Thank you to those administrative staffs and school nurses of South Putnam and Greencastle school systems that allowed us to provide dental screenings to the kindergarten and first grades as well as any individual child these nursing staffs felt could use a screening or exam for specific dental issues. Having school administrators, faculty and nursing staffs value dental health as being integral to the child’s overall health and well-being is truly special.

Greencastle Pediatric Dentistry also wishes to thank all the children that were able to be treated for their bravery and excited attitudes. Some children had not had any previous dental experiences but allowed us to provide dental care in a trusting manner. We appreciate the families that allowed us the privilege of taking care of your great young people.

Finally, thank you to the amazing dental team that volunteered their time performing with professionalism and enthusiasm. I feel they had as much fun as the children. Thank you to Carrie T, Nicole, Megan, Morgan, Jennifer, Sarah, Skyler and especially to Heather and Carrie P. (my hygienists) that organized the school visits, performed the screenings and arranged to work with the schools in scheduling the children to visit our office. Thank you all so very much.

John D Hennette, D.D.S.

Greencastle Pediatric Dentistry

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  • Thank you all for making sure these children receive good dental care.

    -- Posted by Queen53 on Wed, Feb 14, 2024, at 10:03 AM
  • *

    Dr. Hennette and his whole team are a true blessing.

    -- Posted by dreadpirateroberts on Wed, Feb 14, 2024, at 7:18 PM
  • This is wonderful.

    -- Posted by LocalPapers on Fri, Feb 16, 2024, at 1:50 PM
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