NSSB donates to area pantries

Thursday, February 15, 2024
North Salem State Bank employees gather at the bank’s operations center in Avon prior to distributing more than 2,000 collected items and more than $8,500 worth of food and household items. The items were contributed by the bank itself to food pantries in Putnam, Hendricks and Boone counties.
Courtesy photo

North Salem State Bank (NSSB) successfully concluded its annual food drive recently, making several substantial donations to pantries in Putnam, Hendricks and Boone counties.

Understanding the strain January can impose on families and individuals, the bank aimed to alleviate some of the burdens faced by local residents. NSSB not only collected more than 2,000 donations at its nine locations, but additionally contributed more than $8,500 worth of food and household items.

By organizing activities like its annual food drive, NSSB aims to set an example that community banking is not only about financial transactions, but also making a difference by showcasing a commitment to social responsibility and creating a positive ripple effect in its communities.

“We know this time of year can be difficult financially for a lot of people, so we thought it was a good time to help support our community with more than $8,500 in food pantry donations,” NSSB President and CEO Matt Howrey said. “The response has been amazing. We are fortunate to be able to give back to communities that have been so good to us for decades.”

This initiative aligns with North Salem State Bank’s commitment to the welfare of the communities it serves in bringing the tagline “Where Caring Still Counts” to life.

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