100 Women Who Care initiative makes strides in community philanthropy

Thursday, February 22, 2024
The 100 Women Who Care of Putnam County organization is gearing up for its 2024 year of philanthropy and is inviting local women to take part.
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The organization 100 Women Who Care Putnam County has announced the kickoff of another season of the 100 Women Who Care initiative, a community-driven effort aimed at making a significant impact through collective giving.

The 100 Women Who Care program brings together like-minded women who are passionate about philanthropy and community service. Each member commits to donating $100 per quarter, with the collective funds going toward supporting local charities and non-profit organizations. By pooling resources and leveraging the power of collective giving, the initiative aims to make a meaningful difference in the lives of those in need within our community.

“We are thrilled to kick off another year of the 100 Women Who Care initiative and harness the collective generosity and compassion of our community’s women,” said Amy Wells, who chairs the committee. “Together, we have the power to affect positive change and address pressing issues facing our community.”

The initiative operates on a simple premise: Members gather quarterly to nominate and vote on local charities or causes in need of support. The selected organization receives the collective donations, providing vital assistance to their programs and initiatives.

“Our goal is to make a tangible and lasting impact on our community’s most pressing needs,” Wells added. “Through the 100 Women Who Care initiative, we are empowering women to come together, support local causes, and drive meaningful change.”

The 100 Women Who Care initiative is open to women of all backgrounds and ages who are committed to making a difference. Those interested in joining or learning more about the initiative can attend the 2024 kickoff event on March 13. The group will gather from 5:30 to 7 p.m. at Almost Home with Gail Smith, who is also a member of 100 Women Who Care Putnam County. RSVPs are not required.

Those who would like to ask questions or confirm their intentions may e-mail 100womenwhocarepc@gmail.com.

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