Glam Giveaway for proms set this weekend

Monday, March 4, 2024

All Putnam County high school students attending a 2024 prom are invited to the Glam Giveaway on Friday and Saturday at Greencastle Christian Church.

Phil the Need is offering the event, which will give away more than 200 prom dresses, shoes, jewelry, men’s suits, dress shirts, ties and other accessories to local high school juniors and seniors. Putnam County students need to bring their student IDs to “check out.”

“This is obviously a great way to keep costs low for prom but also a very sustainable approach,” Phil the Need volunteer Angela Kaiser Huff said.

The event will take place from 5-7 p.m. on Friday, March 8 and from 9 a.m.-noon on Saturday, March 9.

This is the first time Phil the Need is offering such an event. Previously, the Greencastle High School PTO offered a similar event for GHS students, while a church in Cloverdale provided an option for county students.

Anyone with question or wanting to donate items may contact Huff at 720-9019.

Greencastle Christian Church is located at 620 Primrose Court, Greencastle.

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