Letter to the Editor

Annual Reality Fair returns for local area eighth-graders

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

To the Editor:

For the first time in four years, the annual eighth-grade Reality Fair finally returned on Monday, Feb. 5 at the Putnam County Fairgrounds. With the support and encouragement from Cloverdale, Eminence, Greencastle, North Putnam and South Putnam school corporations, a planning committee was established to offer this educational program to over 400 students representing all five school corporations.

Without the financial support and in-kind donations, this event would not have been possible. Thank you to the Kiwanis Club of Greencastle, the Putnam County Community Foundation, Lions Club of Greencastle, the Putnam County Fair Board, Co-Alliance, Putnam County Hospital, Jim Graves of Niagara Bottling Co., Monical’s and Domino’s.

The planning committee worked diligently for six months updating and rethinking the program which had originally existed some 25 years previously. Many thanks to our dedicated planning committee: Paula Fry (Co Alliance), Karen Nelson Heavin (Heavin Career Counseling), Brooke Trissel (Putnam County Hospital), Renee Marsteller (PC Juvenile Probation), Megan Wager (Everwise), Austin Malayer (Putnam County Prosecutor’s Office), Cheryl Thomas (Re-Max Real Estate), Sarah Stone and Jenny Neureiter (PC Community Foundation), Jared Jernagan (Rotary), Tom Sutherlin (Putnam County Sheriff’s Office), Tammy Eastham (Putnam County Animal Care), Carl Singer (Kiwanis), Karen Martogolio (League of Women Voters) and L.T. Taylor (Greencastle Lions Club).

For those who may not remember, this program is a hands-on activity for students to start thinking about their futures. It specifically focuses on determining financial resources they will need to accommodate their desired lifestyles and the value of education in being able to obtain well paying jobs that will support those chosen lifestyles.

Students participated in a total of 16 various booths learning about the expenses that would exist in a normal month. Many were surprised when there was not enough money to cover their monthly expenses and as a result, needed a part-time job to ensure all bills were paid. This activity helped students learn basic skills in financial planning, goal setting, decision making and complemented their learning experiences in career planning.

We are humbled by the many community volunteers who lined up to participate. Community members spent the day engaging and encouraging students about the importance of budgeting and financial stability. Thank you to the following: Lisa Clark, Ashley Burns, Jenny Rutledge, Cheryl Thomas, Mallory Horn, Karen Martoglio, Kim Fidler, Samantha Richardson, Renee Marsteller, Paula Fry, Trish VanHorn, Brandi Monnett, Kylee Clodfelter, Megan Wager, Kristen Ferran, Melissa Wright, Brooke Trissel, Sarah Stone, Jenny Neureiter, Julie Thompson, Dean Gambill, Neysa Meyer, Ashley Pierson, Rosemary Hurst, Carrie Thompson, Brittany Carr, Larry Sutton, Scott Monnett, Shelby Birkemeier, Dara Robinson, Tom Sutherlin, Kris Wallace, Mary Zerkel, J.R. Scott, Pam Propsom, Lucy Wieland, Charity Pankratz, Ken Heeke, Ruth Ralph, Margot Payne, Andrew Ranck, Bill Wieland, Linda Raines, Barb Boese, Heather Taylor, Chris Wurster, Amy Clark, Bill Merkel, L.T. Taylor, Robert Cantonwine, Pam Mitchner, Judy Miller, Becky Burris, Darcy Stahl, Karen Nelson Heavin, Annette Hoopingarner, Marcia Murtagh, Scott Bieniek, Austin Malayer, Allison Stahl, Amy Cassida, Zac Shuee, Ashley Pierson and Jed Fajt. Also, Lauren Gutschlag, Stacy Barclay, Ginger Scott, Jacqui Ellis, Wes Kendall, Bill Dory, Jared Jernagan, Tammy Keenan, Jeff Gibboney and J.D. Miller.

The committee will start in August planning our next eighth-grade Reality Fair scheduled for February 2025. Thank you to our funders, all school corporations, the planning committee and the many wonderful volunteers who gave so freely of their time, talent and energy. You made our job so enjoyable.

Linda Merkel
Alan Zerkel
Reality Fair Co-Chairs 2024