Aguirre helms new leadership team for Putnam Democrats

Monday, March 18, 2024
Vincent Aguirre

With a focus on “new faces and new focus” in the Putnam County Democratic Party, new leadership has taken the helm locally.

Vincent Aguirre, currently serving on the Greencastle City Council, has been appointed chair of the party. Jackie Roberts has stepped in as the new vice chair, and Christopher Oldstone-Moore has assumed the role of secretary.

Kim Fidler stepped down as chair after six years of service to focus on her PhD program and other volunteer opportunities, while Veronica Pejril has shifted her attention to her Indiana Senate District 24 campaign. Russell Harvey, meanwhile, has dedicated himself to his role with Main Street Greencastle.

Aguirre calls it a re-energized party.

“Public service has to get beyond politics,” Aguirre said. “This new leadership team is already bringing fresh thinking, new perspectives and more focus on solving problems for Putnam County Citizens — and getting away from partisan politics. We are looking forward to working with other civil servants in other parties. We know we have to work together to deliver more for the people here in our community, and move past the divisive rhetoric there in D.C.

“People here in Putnam County all share common ground — literally,” Aguirre added. We all want this to be the best place it can be for our families and our neighbors. Our party is a place for independents, Libertarians, disenchanted Republicans, Democrats and everyone in between who wants to contribute and use government to make a difference. To our group, it’s not about labels and politics. We’re not interested in the petty arguments of D.C. politicians. They might not be working to get things done there — but anyone who calls this community home knows good and well, that is what we do here. We all live here together - and it will take all of us to have a community that works.”

The party is committed to the core values that Aguirre outlined during his campaign:

• Fiscal responsibility and economic growth

• Education and Empowerment

• Community and Unity

• Open Dialogue and Open Doors

• Compassion and Empathy

“These principles drive the party’s mission to create a healthy, prosperous and unified Putnam County,” the party said in a statement. “These are not just ideals but everyday actions that help advance this place we all call home. If you would like to help bring positive change to Putnam County, our Party invites all interested citizens to be a part of this effort, regardless of your political affiliation.”

Anyone wanting more information or to get involved is asked to visit

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  • I find it interesting the certain political labels are not included in paragraph 6 then there is an "all" invite in next to last paragraph.

    -- Posted by beg on Mon, Mar 18, 2024, at 12:41 PM
  • Congratulations Vince

    -- Posted by Nit on Mon, Mar 18, 2024, at 4:32 PM
  • beg, what group is missing?

    -- Posted by Only_My_Opinion on Tue, Mar 19, 2024, at 8:38 AM
  • As a person who is in the middle of the political spectrum, I find the inclusiveness and reach out intriguing. What I haven't figured out if it is marketing or legit rebranding. So, I have a few questions for the new leadership:

    1. I agree on the angst being created at the national and state level. Right and left. Do you denounce the divisive elements of the Democratic party? Simple yes or no. Will you be willing to call it out as it happens in a public proactive way to validate your stated desire to move away from that vitriol?

    2. What part of the Democratic party platform do you disagree with? That automatically says what you do agree with.

    3. Why did you decide to stay connected to the Democratic party rather than creating an independent "Local" party?

    4. I noticed you left out conservatives. Why? The past President is not a true conservative. Same is true for the "Tea Party" segment. I will admit they have hijacked the conservative mantle and the media has been very willing to go along with that label. So, why did you leave out conservatives? Don't want them as part of the movement? If so, is that really inclusive?

    5. I noticed you left out liberals, leftists, and socialists. Those segments are a SIGNIFICANT part of the leadership and voice of the party banner you wear. Did you leave them out because you don't want them? Did you leave them out because you automatically include them as part of your movement? Is it really inclusive if you want that element silent or not to be a part of your stated ambitions?

    6. Is this a state or national democratic party strategy to make headway in non democratic areas or a legit local movement that would be willing to go down a separate path than the state or national leadership if that is best for local policy and building bridges among different perpsectives?

    The answers or lack of true definition in the answers will help me understand the real purpose of this effort.

    I ask these in a serious way. I have been impressed with the new leader of the local Democratic Party's approach, even when I disagree. Truly have and that is what has prompted the questions. That being said, I am still very skeptical as the language is "40,000 footish" and lacks elements that allow for a true understanding/ validation of the "stated" desires.

    -- Posted by beg on Thu, Mar 21, 2024, at 11:45 PM
  • Sadly, silence answers my questions very loudly

    -- Posted by beg on Fri, Mar 22, 2024, at 11:53 PM
  • Until you get more people involved that are well known OUTSIDE of DePauw and Greencastle the local democrats will continue to suffer!

    -- Posted by Falcon9 on Sat, Mar 23, 2024, at 9:44 AM
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