SENIOR LIFE ODYSSEY: April 22 Dine With a Doc event to feature Elaine Peck

Thursday, April 18, 2024
Elaine Peck

The April program of the Dine With a Doc series, sponsored by Senior Education Ministries, will feature Elaine Peck, director at the Putnam County Hospice and Palliative Care Association.

The program is set for 10 a.m. until noon Monday, April 22 at Putnam County Hospital, 1542 Bloomington St., Greencastle.

A question-and-answer session will follow the presentation on the topic “Health Care Decisions.”

Dine With a Doc is a free community-based program that welcomes local seniors to come hear an educational topic while enjoying a complimentary lunch.

The program was designed to help seniors get out of their homes and enjoy fellowship with their peers and educate them from a preventative standpoint with the goal of improving quality of life.

A complimentary lunch will be served courtesy of Elara Caring, Terre Haute.

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