PCSO reminding motorists to buckle up

Thursday, May 23, 2024

The Putnam County Sheriff’s Office is teaming up with law enforcement across the state to urge motorists to buckle up with this year’s national Click It or Ticket seat belt enforcement effort.

The national campaign, which coincides with the Memorial Day holiday, runs from May 20 to June 2. Overtime patrols are funded by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) with grants administered by the Indiana Criminal Justice Institute (ICJI).

“We want seat belt use to be an automatic habit for drivers and passengers alike,” said ICJI Traffic Safety Director James Bryan. “Buckling up is the simplest thing you can do to limit injury or save your life during a crash.”

According to research, Buckling up can reduce the risk of injury or death in a crash by up to 65 percent.

Indiana’s seat belt use rate in 2023 was determined at 93.2 percent, higher than the national average of 91.9 percent.

“If our enforcement effort alerts people to the dangers of unrestrained driving, we’ll consider our mission to be a success,” the office stated. “Seat belts save lives, and everyone — front seat and back, child and adult — needs to remember to buckle up.”

For more information on the Click It or Ticket seat belt enforcement mobilization, visit NHTSA.gov/ClickIt.

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