$25,000 Tony Hawk grant puts local skatepark closer to reality

A grassroots effort to provide a first-class skatepark for Putnam County youngsters has received a big boost from the Tony Hawk Foundation -- a $25,000 grant.

The Skatepark Committee hopes to raise $150,000 to build a 100-by-100-foot concrete facility at the southwest corner of Robe-Ann Park in Greencastle. The Tony Hawk grant puts the fundraising effort past the one-third mark with more fundraisers to come and other grant applications pending.

But receipt of the Tony Hawk grant really puts the skatepark project on the map, organizers beamed.

Hawk, for those uninitiated into the skateboard world, is the Michael Jordan of skateboarding. A 33-year-old San Diego resident, he revolutionized the sport after turning pro at 14 and has won medals at all five X Games in addition to winning every major skating title in the world.

The grant money comes from his Tony Hawk Pro Skate video game produced for Sony Playstation.

Few communities get the maximum $25,000 grant from Hawk, noted Amy Robinson, grant writer for the Putnam County Skatepark Committee.

But the grassroots effort and community support of the local project were key, she said. "That, and the fact we have a very high-quality design and have chosen the most competent builder in the country (Wally Hollyday). They realized this is not a fly-by-night project.

"If it weren't for that," she continued, "we would not have gotten that much money. It is important that the people in Greencastle know that their open-mindedness has a lot to offer."

The Hawk Foundation promotes construction of high-quality community-based skateparks, many in large communities.

Foundation officials were amazed, Robinson said, that no tax dollars are included in the project.

The local fundraising effort continues with the April 27 Ultimate Trivia Challenge at the Dixie Chopper Business Center at the local airport. In addition, the skatepark people are selling sponsorships of individual elements of the facility and squares of concrete.

The timetable calls for September construction.

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