SPSC to purchase three new buses

Monday, November 16, 2009

GREENCASTLE -- The South Putnam School Corporation will be purchasing three new full-size buses. The school board approved the purchase during its Monday meeting.

Superintendent Bruce Bernhardt asked board members for permission to buy three 66-passenger Freightliner buses with Thomas bodies. The total cost is $221,689, which has been budgeted.

In addition, the board approved the purchase of 150 new computers. Technology director Steve Ricketts was given permission by the board to purchase new computers for staff, including teachers, the media center at South Putnam High School and administration building at a cost not to exceed $80,000.

He is to report to the board at a later date with the final purchase amount.

Ricketts said the seven-to-eight-year-old computers would be reused, as much as possible, in places such as the classrooms for students or to begin a media center for junior high students.

"(The old computers) are still reusable and we hope to use them in the best way," he added.

In other business:

* A mother of a kindergarten student who was in the audience told board members she was "disappointed" with the size of her child's class.

There are 26 kids in the class, she said. "The teachers do a wonderful job," but the classes are too large.

Bernhardt quickly agreed with the mother.

He said, "It is a matter of budget."

The corporation did not replace three of its teachers, who retired.

"It is a matter of economy," Bernhardt added. "We don't disagree with you."

Board vice president Nancy Wells noted the only way to reduce the class sizes would be to return to half-day kindergarten and stay within budget.

"All three of our kindergarten (classes) are big," she commented.

* SPHS baseball coach Troy Burgess has resigned, along with the assistant coach Nathan Mullis. Replacing them are Ryan Gilman as baseball coach and Zach Love as assistant coach.

Also under the personnel report was the termination of Gary Bennington as custodian.

* Bernhardt told board members there is no new information on the H1N1 vaccination for its students. The Putnam County Health Department is waiting to receive more of the vaccine and until then schools will be waiting.

When that happens, Bernhardt said the plan is for seventh through 12th grade students to receive the vaccination during school hours with a permission slip. Younger students will have to return to Central Elementary in the evening with parents and a permission slip to receive the vaccine.

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  • South Putnam moved to all-day Kindergarten because there was State money dangled in front of our superintendent to subsidize the creation of an additional teacher position. It was clear early on that the State funds would not cover all associated costs, so it's not surprising that we're now in a pinch.

    Beyond the dough, though, there were good reasons for removing one of the K teachers from contact with these young children. All in all, more Eagle myopia at work.


    -- Posted by Balding Eagle on Tue, Nov 17, 2009, at 6:31 PM
  • Those are big numbers for a class of 5-6 year olds. Tough job for the teachers.

    South Putnam has always done the best they could with what they had. (No pun intended) Wonder what the criticism would have been if the board had decided to NOT go with Full-Day Kindergarten?

    Myopia can be corrected so one can better see the big picture.

    -- Posted by cvilleguy on Fri, Nov 20, 2009, at 7:49 AM
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